The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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My point was simple - openings for top level chefs are quite rare whereas openings for chemical engineers [for example] are much more common plus they are more varied. A chef is a chef, a chemical engineer can work in many industries, electronics or medicine or the law are more examples which allow many and varied 'positions'. If a girl decides to become a chef I don't believe that there is anything standing in her way BUT I do think many talented teens will go for other careers. Who knows if the levels will increase or not but clearly there ARE female chefs out there. Is it perhaps not some big conspiracy to keep women out of the profession but more that many girls when choosing a career look upon 'chef' as 'cook' and look to something more exciting ?
My point was simple - openings for top level chefs are quite rare whereas openings for chemical engineers [for example] are much more common plus they are more varied. A chef is a chef, a chemical engineer can work in many industries, electronics or medicine or the law are more examples which allow many and varied 'positions'. If a girl decides to become a chef I don't believe that there is anything standing in her way BUT I do think many talented teens will go for other careers. Who knows if the levels will increase or not but clearly there ARE female chefs out there. Is it perhaps not some big conspiracy to keep women out of the profession but more that many girls when choosing a career look upon 'chef' as 'cook' and look to something more exciting ?


Each to his or her own ..

Some people are chockful of boundless creativity and others are more scientific minded .. It all depends where one´s interests are and where they reside ..
I missed it! I am so sorry, I don't know what happened to yesterday. Did you have a lovely day?

Great! I received a Sage by Heston Blumenthal Smoking Gun as a present as well as a subscription the National Geographic's new food magasine (as recommended by @LadyBelle).
Its very cold here in Saffron Walden - snow yesterday and last night. But very bright and sunny now:

On the BBC news this week they have been covering children with learning difficulties, this morning they were at a school who have a dog which helps some children to communicate and alsi give comfort, Fergus the Irish Wolfhound :love: I am so in love
A couple of women trimmed up the shop floor Christmas tree today, apparently us lot in the office are boring because ours isn't, it is too early, maybe next Friday if we have time.
On the BBC news this week they have been covering children with learning difficulties, this morning they were at a school who have a dog which helps some children to communicate and alsi give comfort, Fergus the Irish Wolfhound :love: I am so in love
I spent 3 years looking after an Irish wolf hound. He was beautiful and so very friendly. But he presented all sorts of problems, just little things like enough space in a vehicle to get him into one (to take to the vet) calculating medication requirements for the him was interesting breccias if his size, his head alone war the size of an adult rabbit, he could look down on the dining room table and was level with the kitchen work surface so could if he had ever tried easily have eastern anything he wanted off there, the last went on. Forget dog baskets, he had a mattress off a single bed on the floor for him to lie on and when he ran around playing it was like playing with a chasing horse. New born calves were actually smaller than he was! (or landlady bred show winning cattle as well). Mind you cows did think twice about charging you when he was with us... Which was all the time. If we were home, he would be out and usually with us.

He's lying on a double quilt here..
I spent 3 years looking after an Irish wolf hound. He was beautiful and so very friendly. But he presented all sorts of problems, just little things like enough space in a vehicle to get him into one (to take to the vet) calculating medication requirements for the him was interesting breccias if his size, his head alone war the size of an adult rabbit, he could look down on the dining room table and was level with the kitchen work surface so could if he had ever tried easily have eastern anything he wanted off there, the last went on. Forget dog baskets, he had a mattress off a single bed on the floor for him to lie on and when he ran around playing it was like playing with a chasing horse. New born calves were actually smaller than he was! (or landlady bred show winning cattle as well). Mind you cows did think twice about charging you when he was with us... Which was all the time. If we were home, he would be out and usually with us.

He's lying on a double quilt here..
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:love: gorgeous

I do appreciate the issues that come with such a large dog, we wouldn't get one but I can dream.
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