Legendary Member
It seems to be open season on 78 year olds at the moment. Yesterday a 78 year old man just down the road from me was stabbed several times by some lowlifes who were after his pension, and a man was shot dead by armed police for carrying a gun. They caught the three culprits who stabbed two people in separate incidents - one was 12 and the other two were both 13, but they did nothing about the 14 year old girl who lives a couple of streets away and has a gun, although they did get her recently for decking a policewoman. And people wonder why I go to the corner shop in my car!An excellent idea - remove anything sharp from everyone's home - then burglers can stab 78 year old men with screwdrivers and get clean away with it. Saves all that time arresting the old guy and treating him like a criminal for attempting to protect his disabled wife his property and himself