The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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That's what was on my mind when I bought it. Using the pork, sage and onion stuffing. Curry puffs were very popular in Malaysia when I lived there. I was not keen.

Beef Wellington maybe. But I'll likely cock it up.
Go for it. It's actually quite a forgiving dish to cook, and well worth the effort.
That's what was on my mind when I bought it. Using the pork, sage and onion stuffing. Curry puffs were very popular in Malaysia when I lived there. I was not keen.

Beef Wellington maybe. But I'll likely cock it up.

Yorky, we had curry puffs a couple of days ago, they were Thai and the best I've had. When I get back from my hols I will make these and post.

To be fair I didn't realise he actually read his tweets. Google his 9 minutes of 1 liners,if easily offended don't!

Kool, I will later, and I'm not easily offended, in fact I challenge anyone to offend me,lol. I love the Aussie comedian Rodney rude, giggle Rodney rude and McDonald's. It's hilarious.

It’s been all go go go here.

We had Xmas day to ourselves then the in-laws over for a long tea/supper event including games with prizes.

Boxing Day saw me travel to Sydney to collect my husbands special needs cousin for his annual 2 week summer holiday at our place. He lives in the most Asian centric part of Sydney so I took the opportunity to stock up on more Asian ingredients. Will post pics later.

Then back here to find the whole fam over at my Sister in-laws place as the grandparents had come up for the day.

Finally back here for a simple supper of cold prawns, salad & bread with good homemade aioli.

Today will see me hit Aldi for a few staples then home to make some nutrient dense slow carb salads to have ready for Billy who has been diagnosed with diabetes.
I know Australia really well. I love Yeppoon, Hervey Bay. Among places. Going to nsw next year to see our friends new place.


Our next door neighbour is a kiwi - he’s an old family friend who used to work with my FIL & my partner back many years ago in Sydney. He had some health issues & loved it out here so moved to our little village 15 years back.
Rather dull outside, it is 'get your walking gear on and go for a good long hike' weather

We are driving up North to visit my husbands family, the only time we all together, around 25 of us, it gets very noisy but it is great to see everyone :thumbsup:
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