The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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Caustic Soda? :eek:
Yeh. readily available in any supermarket here!

But yes, soap making involves strong alkaline substance in conjunction with a fat. in old times this was fast from whatever had just been cooked and wood ash. nowadays to reduce the greyness of soap, wood ash is no longer used. but it is handy to know how to make it from time to time. I have made it the old fashioned way before using oil and wood ash.
Buying the oil and alkali will be much more interesting.

But right now I'm going to try to get another 2 hours sleep before I have to get up. it am nodding off which means I'll not sleep when I lie down or 2 hrs will vanish before my head hits the pillow...
My wife's only competition has always been my motorcycles and as she has always been of the mind that as long as I'm tinkering away happily in the shed she knows where I am we haven't had any problems in over 30 years. {plus the fact that I doubt that any of the Hollywood stars I like are going to attempt to abduct me at my age :cry:].
Mine says he wouldn't want to train another one. But after 25 years he is rather spoiled.
But then we should have taken bets when we got together. No one thought we would last 6 months.

At Lullabelle, don't worry about it. If he does decide he wants another, it won't be because you did or didn't moisturize.
And I am pretty sure you would know if he was fooling around.
My first ex did more than once. And he would swear to this day, he never did cheat.

"I may have been young but I wasn't stupid."
Though I would have preferred he not have cheated with a person that had mononucleosis two weeks before our son was due.
That made for loads of fun. Poor guy. I was on doctor's orders not to get near him or do anything for him. (Yes, I think the doctor knew about the affair but couldn't tell me. I knew he didn't like my husband. ) The ex worked in the hospital and on occasion worked with my OB's wife.

We have been together for 26 years and have gone through a few rough times, miscarrige, losing family etc.. but we have pulled through and remain solid. I am blessed.
My wife's only competition has always been my motorcycles and as she has always been of the mind that as long as I'm tinkering away happily in the shed she knows where I am we haven't had any problems in over 30 years. {plus the fact that I doubt that any of the Hollywood stars I like are going to attempt to abduct me at my age :cry:].

You never know :wink:
We have been together for 26 years and have gone through a few rough times, miscarrige, losing family etc.. but we have pulled through and remain solid. I am blessed.
The only times we have had problems was at our last residence. He was working, I was working and going to school and we had all the neighbors in our back pockets, front pockets and anywhere else they could find to attach themselves too. Even after I got my degree, we still had the neighbors.
The problem we discovered was that we had no time for each other.
At one point, we wound up with a neighbor's kid.
Needless to say I do not mind the language barrier in this neighborhood.
I have to renew my 5 year driving licence this month. The tests for colour blindness and reaction are of no concern (I hope). It's the depth perception test that is of concern.

If I don't pass it I shouldn't be driving anyway.
I have to renew my 5 year driving licence this month. The tests for colour blindness and reaction are of no concern (I hope). It's the depth perception test that is of concern.

If I don't pass it I shouldn't be driving anyway.
What is depth perception? Long distance vision? Surely you can have glasses to correct whatever issues you have...
I cannot get rid of this damn cold! So much goo and a chesty cough. All week I have turned up at work-so much to do before we finish for Christmas-but I am now completely done, no more, no one will miss me for 5 hours tomorrow.
What is depth perception? Long distance vision? Surely you can have glasses to correct whatever issues you have...
No. Depth perception is how well you judge distances. Glasses will not correct that problem.
Trust me, I wear glasses and have very little depth perception. I can't even begin to count the number of times I have run over the wall by the hall door thinking I had 6 inches of clearance.
I cannot get rid of this damn cold! So much goo and a chesty cough. All week I have turned up at work-so much to do before we finish for Christmas-but I am now completely done, no more, no one will miss me for 5 hours tomorrow.
You need a good hot curry. Chilli works wonders... :hug:
The Christmas tree has gone up on the shop floor, won't be long before the office and reception trees go up as well.
You need a good hot curry. Chilli works wonders... :hug:

On Tuesday the FD commented on how long I have had this cold, I replied that if only my other half and I had more holidays then we would be convalesing somewhere warm, Thailand would be our choice, sunshine, great food and lovely people
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