The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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No. Depth perception is how well you judge distances. Glasses will not correct that problem.
Trust me, I wear glasses and have very little depth perception. I can't even begin to count the number of times I have run over the wall by the hall door thinking I had 6 inches of clearance. you drive :unsure: you drive :unsure:
I did as a teenager but if there was someone else with a license around I let them drive.
And I drove some in my twenties but I haven't driven since hubby and I got together. (That was no adjustment on his part because his first wife was legally blind so she didn't drive either.)

@morning glory house is paid for so don't want to move.
And I just told hubby about this conversation. He commented that I make odd movements in the car if I perceive something is too close.
No. Depth perception is how well you judge distances. Glasses will not correct that problem.
Trust me, I wear glasses and have very little depth perception. I can't even begin to count the number of times I have run over the wall by the hall door thinking I had 6 inches of clearance.

That's it! The test is similar to the picture below: control two vertical "sticks" side by side to bring them into line (the same distance from your eyes).

We have just been watching Rick Stein's long weekend programme, he was in Cadiz Spain, beautiful looking place. Anyway he was singing the praise of sherry, now I imagine proper sherry is lovely but I cannot get past the fact that for me sherry has always been the tipple of choice for ladies of a certain age.
This year I have decided to go light on Christmas cards, I enjoy giving cards and presents and don't give to receive, however the past couple of years we have given cards to people at work, in the New Year they end up in the bin unopened so I wonder why we bother-this year I won't!

Last Friday a colleague left so gave her a card, this Sunday is a family gathering at our local pub, 10 of us for Sunday lunch, as we won't see a couple of them again before Christmas I will hand over their cards but that will be it for a while. Don't like to post/hand out too early
Depth perception is a result of binocular vision - close one eye if you want to get some idea what it can be like. It's how 3d cameras work - two side by side images viewed at the same time
I candled by broody hens eggs today for the first time. It is where you very carefully hold a high power torch (or similar) up to the egg and look through it. The same as you would if you wanted to see the veins in your hand or fingers. It is Day 14 (of 21) that she has been sitting on these eggs, so I won't see much if the chick is developing correctly. Of the 14 eggs that she is still sitting on (2 broke and 1 was very clearly bad), 9 I could not see into at all except for being able to make out the air sac. There were 4 I was uncertain about but could make out the air sac, but too much light seemed to come through them and another that was clearly bad (that was never candled, I could tell from the look of it). So it looks like there are at least 9 viable chicks at this stage. It her first time sitting on eggs and raising a clutch, so fingers crossed. I'm not certain my OH took the news as well as I did! 4 or 5 of those should be female and will stay in the flock.
This time next week, I may be off line watching over my clutch... I have a lot of chick proofing of the chook house to do between now and Thursday (which is the very first possible day they could hatch).
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