The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I haven't bothered with them for years but a couple of weeks ago I ordered some make up because I needed some new stuff and I dislike going into shops to buy because the sales ladies slap theirs on so thick there is no way I would take any advice from them! The new book came through and I showed it to my husband who frowned then rolled his eyes. I joke about buying that kind of thing but lately I am starting to give it some serious thought.
I really do think face creams of any kind are a complete waste of money... if you do nee to moisturise, I'd go for a baby cream.
I've had to dig a woolly out now three mornings on the trot. Getting as low as 18 degC now overnight. It will no doubt get lower next month.
I really do think face creams of any kind are a complete waste of money... if you do nee to moisturise, I'd go for a baby cream.

As I jokingly explained to my other half, now that I am 46, a few lines and dark circles under my eyes I need to start thinking about doing something. In a few years time to he may start looking for a younger fresher faced woman. His reply was to raise his eyebrows and say 'bo****s! :laugh:

I use Simple moisturiser, it works on my skin whereas Nivea and Ulay/Olay whatever are both too greasy for me.
We bought a new car this year and it fits, just, in the garage so no more faffing about in the morning.
We have a car port here which has worked wonders through both the winter and spring. It kept the car free from ice in the winter and is keeping the car cooler in the spring/summer heat. There is one major issue though which I think we can only solve with a plastic bag! We have a restless flycatcher that has taken to using the passenger wing mirror as a good resting place and attack point. It craps continually down the non mirror side of the wing mirror. Sometimes my OH has only just parked up and not actually yet out of the car before it is on the wing mirror now!
He cannot understand how some men have affairs, it's hard enough keeping 1 woman on the go let alone 2 :laugh:
Try offering him another woman (opportunity of that is! wrapping them up as a present presents certain difficulties otherwise) and see what the response is...

I have mine the chance of another woman, or even leaving me when my back went. having a disabled wife want what he signed up to, but he just kept on hashing around and looking after me, stupid bugger :D but seriously, he did stay and had been amazing but had never pushed the moisturising cream side of life! we have had to purchase something here in Australia though because we are both finding the climate very drying particularly to our hands and feet. it's probably a change in soap but I can't get what we user to have and can't find anything in happy with. I'm about to buy a lot to make my own for around $90. it makes roughly 100 bars before you need for natural oils... you have to buy the caustic soda and olive (or otherwise) oil seperately but it will be cheaper in the long run, fun to do and I can add a few things as required if wanted, though normally I use unscented soaps but at least I'll know what I'm using is vegan and not based on animal fats.
He cannot understand how some men have affairs, it's hard enough keeping 1 woman on the go let alone 2 :laugh:
Its a good line - but I've been caught out by that in the past... . Not that I'm for a moment suggesting that applies to your OH.
Mine says he wouldn't want to train another one. But after 25 years he is rather spoiled.
But then we should have taken bets when we got together. No one thought we would last 6 months.

At Lullabelle, don't worry about it. If he does decide he wants another, it won't be because you did or didn't moisturize.
And I am pretty sure you would know if he was fooling around.
My first ex did more than once. And he would swear to this day, he never did cheat.

"I may have been young but I wasn't stupid."
Though I would have preferred he not have cheated with a person that had mononucleosis two weeks before our son was due.
That made for loads of fun. Poor guy. I was on doctor's orders not to get near him or do anything for him. (Yes, I think the doctor knew about the affair but couldn't tell me. I knew he didn't like my husband. ) The ex worked in the hospital and on occasion worked with my OB's wife.
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Try offering him another woman (opportunity of that is! wrapping them up as a present presents certain difficulties otherwise) and see what the response is...
.. you have to buy the caustic soda and olive (or otherwise) oil separately but it will be cheaper in the long run,
Caustic Soda? :eek:
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