Mine says he wouldn't want to train another one. But after 25 years he is rather spoiled.
But then we should have taken bets when we got together. No one thought we would last 6 months.
At Lullabelle, don't worry about it. If he does decide he wants another, it won't be because you did or didn't moisturize.
And I am pretty sure you would know if he was fooling around.
My first ex did more than once. And he would swear to this day, he never did cheat.
"I may have been young but I wasn't stupid."
Though I would have preferred he not have cheated with a person that had mononucleosis two weeks before our son was due.
That made for loads of fun. Poor guy. I was on doctor's orders not to get near him or do anything for him. (Yes, I think the doctor knew about the affair but couldn't tell me. I knew he didn't like my husband. ) The ex worked in the hospital and on occasion worked with my OB's wife.