I went out yesterday to get gas for the mower. Didn't bother with a face mask, as it's a rural station and in 14 years, I've never seen more than one other car there. With pay-at-the-pump being the standard here, no need to interact with anyone.Went grocery shopping this morning and picked up everything we wanted, however some people are starting to ignore the 2mt rule.
It's a five-minute drive to the station, and there's a garden center along the way. The garden center (which has not been closed at all during this, just limited to curbside service) was absolutely overflowing, and I could see through the greenhouse that people were literally shoulder-to-shoulder, like a disco.
Also, in that five minute drive time, I must have passed 30 cars or more going in the opposite direction. Bumper-to-bumper. We're supposed to be doing a slow opening here, but I think people are ignoring it pretty blatantly in my area.