Best know as James Bond, but my favorite work of his was in The Untouchables. Any fan of Sean Connery MUST se that movie.
my A1C is elevated,
Yeah, sorry, it's a measure of your blood glucose level over the previous three months. Don't quote me on this, but 5.6 and under is normal, 6.4 and over is diabetic, and the last time I had this done, about a year ago, I was 5.9, which is where I usually am, but this time, I'm at 6.2, so she's trying to head it off.Is this diabetes related? I don't understand the term.
Yeah, sorry, it's a measure of your blood glucose level over the previous three months. Don't quote me on this, but 5.6 and under is normal, 6.4 and over is diabetic, and the last time I had this done, about a year ago, I was 5.9, which is where I usually am, but this time, I'm at 6.2, so she's trying to head it off.
With the lockdown, I'm probably relying too much on pasta and bread, so I've got to cut that down a bit. We'll see how it goes.
It's Sir Thomas Sean Connery's 90th birthday today.
Any carbs, so that includes sugar.Ah - I see. Aren't you supposed to cut down sugar too?
Temperatures are back to the 30celsius here in Portugal
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I spend lunchtime here, it’s a 3 minute walk from my house. Back at home I have to close the blinds when I’m working it gets too hot. Portuguese homes are awful when it comes to keeping temperature, they’re usually cold in the winters and hot in summers.
Same here, Sept is my favorite month still 12 hours of sunshine but cooler.With the added bonus of very few tourists.Temperatures are back to the 30celsius here in Portugal