The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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What? You're just now seeing the first one? I've seen several! I even did some Christmas shopping today!

I'll start shopping after Thanksgiving. I'll purchase most things online.

I'm not a complete scrooge (just partial). I do like caroling. If I could gather enough people, I would do it again. It's best if you get lubed up a bit before, during and after. Everyone sings better -- as far as they know.

Oh my, I just saw a Fortnum & Mason ad for the sailboat chocolate. The chocolate comes from Grenada and is sailed to land by the natives on a row boat and then transported on a horse carriage (or so they say) :ohmy: I want this so badly. I think I'll ask my friend in London to break out of social isolation, run into Fortnum's with my shopping list and mail me the goodies. He'd kill me but it'd be worth it :laugh:
Oh my, I just saw a Fortnum & Mason ad for the sailboat chocolate. The chocolate comes from Grenada and is sailed to land by the natives on a row boat and then transported on a horse carriage (or so they say) :ohmy: I want this so badly. I think I'll ask my friend in London to break out of social isolation, run into Fortnum's with my shopping list and mail me the goodies. He'd kill me but it'd be worth it :laugh:
When I dropped my knives off on Friday, the posh cookware shop sits right next to a posh handmade chocolate shop. I couldn't help but think of you. :laugh:
11 eggs again today. I've 3 who are broody and 1 too old too lay anymore (thankfully) . That's all 15 adult chooks accounted for!

Most of our eggs go to the "local" food hub to go out to those in need.

Next season's and this winter's layers are starting to really grow up now.




3 of the chicks are rare heritage breeds in Australia, the other 2 common but these are showbird quality girls (best supplier around happens to be just a couple of hours away). So I have a white Australorp (along with a black one - on the swing), a blue, a maran, and a lavender aruacana. The lavender is common (aruacanas lay blue eggs), but the blue is exceptionally uncommon and the maran is a black and white check which I hasn't heard of before.

The girls on the dog cage are broody and need to be removed from the flock and denied a nest tip sit on eggs in to break their hormone cycle. I'm not doing chooks sitting on eggs this year unless I absolutely have to. So far I've managed to break each one, but they are stacking up and waiting their turn! Putting 2 together in a confined space is a great way to break the cycle even faster because they bicker (I kid not! ) and they can't sit on the eggs quietly in a corner out of sight (no nest, no eggs, no quiet corner! ). It sounds cruel but the only other option is a case of been there, done that and one girl raised 3 broods last year just by herself... too many chicks and they were sitting on eggs in the hottest and smokiest part of the year last year which can not have done them any good at all. So, break they hormone cycle as quickly as possible. 3 days is usually the most it takes luckily. Lavender (her name is actually Rock) is the one being totally lazy and eating whilst sitting on the roasting perch!
Unfortunately after the whole country has been praying for rain for months and the aircraft have been seeding the clouds we are now getting a little too much.

Our local reservoir yesterday (not my images).


This was last year:

Unfortunately after the whole country has been praying for rain for months and the aircraft have been seeding the clouds we are now getting a little too much.

Our local reservoir yesterday (not my images).

View attachment 48969

This was last year:

The same area on the second photograph......

Yorkes mate are those green tarps to catch some form of fruit dropping of the trees or to stop Bird Krapow entering the water course ?

I think that they may be to prevent the punters getting wet.

Obviously from above.

There are open air restaurants about 10 metres to the left on the same level.
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