The General Chat Thread (2016-2022)

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I know someone in Brighton who likes to swim in the sea on Christmas Day. I think its a bit of a tradition down there. He said that this year the council tried to ban it.
The Martello Tower, Sandycove, Dublin. Annual New Years Day swim.
James Joyce’s Ulysses. “The sea, the snotgreen sea, the scrotumtightening sea”
But the wasabi peas are my favourite.

More meat on the story. The airline Air Asia didn't have enough meal trays for the flight from Borneo to Hong Kong, so at the gate one of the staff approached us and explained the situation, would we be willing to give up our meal. Well we had recently eaten and were going to be fed on the following flight from HK to London so we were not hungry. The result was we were boarded before everyone else and whilst all the other passengers had to wait for the trolleys to come round we had full personal service for drinks and snacks which they piled on us. The other passengers kept looking at us trying to work out why we were getting this attention and they weren't, I'm sure some thought we must be some sort of celebraties
But you are!
We decided to wait until Saturday to dip our toes in the sea. it won't be any warmer or cooler it will just be one less long journey and we have a very long one coming up on Wednesday to see some family friends in NW Sydney and then again on Saturday to collect a wood burning stove from 50km SE of Sydney. My back and ribs probably won't manage a 3rd long(ish) journey inside a week as well as the weekly shopping which my OH may just be doing by himself on Sunday unless I change plans and we do it on Friday instead.

And I am now typing this at a desk in the studio rather than at the dining room table. The dining room table was giving me RSI in my only good limb and having had a new screen for Christmas so that I can start to look at my photos on a proper screen, we went out and purchased a new keyboard and mouse on New Year's Eve. That was followed by a visit to IKEA on the way home to buy a desk and we have settled for using my wheelchair for the time being as a desk chair. The desk has the ability to have the height adjusted so I can set it where I want and I still find that the wheelchair is the most comfortable. Now the only issues are the fact that I can't put the laptop screen down because the wireless receiver for a laptop is in the screen in the form of a 'tin foil' back to the screen itself. The studio is at such a range from the house that I only get a signal if the lid is up and 90 degrees to the house. Put it flat and I don't get a connection at all. I will have to look at a new wireless box soon I think. The one we have is not very good.... but then I also can't get a Bluetooth connection with the house for the phone that I wanted to keep down here for contact purposes... and that actually has a range extender which is in the nearest room in the house to the studio. But I think the treehouse is exactly in the way of the signal, so I may have to move the extender to a different part of that room. It is meant to be able to connect for upto 300m! So much for that idea, it isn't even making 25m right now but the tree house is sheet metal and that could be too much of a challenge. However, I am going to call it a day because the sun keeps coming out and well, the room is now a sauna and I am literally dripping in sweat. So I am going to measure up the windows that I now know need some shading making for and go and make that in the relative cool of the house which my OH hasn't shut the curtains too, so it is only going to be relative cool and not cool... can't win them all, but I will keep trying. Talk later maybe....
Back to nornality today, grocery shopping then sorting out ready for tomorrow. Didn't get out yesterday due to heavy rain, going out today but tarmac path only.
Yep, the stupid drivers are back on the road, so desperate to get to the sales they knowingly block main roads bringing them to a standstill :facepalm:
We decided to wait until Saturday to dip our toes in the sea. it won't be any warmer or cooler it will just be one less long journey and we have a very long one coming up on Wednesday to see some family friends in NW Sydney and then again on Saturday to collect a wood burning stove from 50km SE of Sydney. My back and ribs probably won't manage a 3rd long(ish) journey inside a week as well as the weekly shopping which my OH may just be doing by himself on Sunday unless I change plans and we do it on Friday instead.

And I am now typing this at a desk in the studio rather than at the dining room table. The dining room table was giving me RSI in my only good limb and having had a new screen for Christmas so that I can start to look at my photos on a proper screen, we went out and purchased a new keyboard and mouse on New Year's Eve. That was followed by a visit to IKEA on the way home to buy a desk and we have settled for using my wheelchair for the time being as a desk chair. The desk has the ability to have the height adjusted so I can set it where I want and I still find that the wheelchair is the most comfortable. Now the only issues are the fact that I can't put the laptop screen down because the wireless receiver for a laptop is in the screen in the form of a 'tin foil' back to the screen itself. The studio is at such a range from the house that I only get a signal if the lid is up and 90 degrees to the house. Put it flat and I don't get a connection at all. I will have to look at a new wireless box soon I think. The one we have is not very good.... but then I also can't get a Bluetooth connection with the house for the phone that I wanted to keep down here for contact purposes... and that actually has a range extender which is in the nearest room in the house to the studio. But I think the treehouse is exactly in the way of the signal, so I may have to move the extender to a different part of that room. It is meant to be able to connect for upto 300m! So much for that idea, it isn't even making 25m right now but the tree house is sheet metal and that could be too much of a challenge. However, I am going to call it a day because the sun keeps coming out and well, the room is now a sauna and I am literally dripping in sweat. So I am going to measure up the windows that I now know need some shading making for and go and make that in the relative cool of the house which my OH hasn't shut the curtains too, so it is only going to be relative cool and not cool... can't win them all, but I will keep trying. Talk later maybe....

I admire your choice of lifestyle and where you are sounds pretty cool but don't you get lonely? Ok you have internet access to chat with us lot but you don't have people around to pass the time of day with, I personally would find that difficult.
I admire your choice of lifestyle and where you are sounds pretty cool but don't you get lonely? Ok you have internet access to chat with us lot but you don't have people around to pass the time of day with, I personally would find that difficult.
I'm a very anti social person as a result of my childhood. plus I spent a large proportion of my childhood alone anyway so in used to it. Being alone didn't hurt me, being with people did. I find nature much more relaxing than people. people stress me out and I can't deal with groups of more than a couple of a people before I've had enough. some of it is my hearing which is very sensitive. most people will have the TV at 20 or more, I'll have it at 5... my in-laws will have it up around 50. I can't cope with either of those. I hear the back ground better than a person standing immediately in front of me and often can not work out what they are saying simply because I can hear the other side of a crowded room better. it makes it hard and me look like in not listening. people don't like that at all... I guess I'm used to it and learning all I can about outdoors, nature wildlife etc keeps me well occupied!
Just dropped off Miss K at the station so just us to finish all the Christmas treats. We have a third of a delicious brie but all the rest is sweet stuff or booze. My homemade Christmas cake has been particularly popular this year so there's less than a quarter left. The chocolates and biscuits will keep anyway.
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