The General Chat Thread (2023)

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I've just had a wake up call.

After watching the service of the UK funeral of a long time colleague and friend on the internet I received a message from a mutual friend who now lives in Spain (she had also watched it). I thought that I'd pass the message on to all the others who were around in the early 70s only to discover that there are hardly any left!
It’s sobering, isn’t it?

For me, it started when people my parents’ age started dying (usually early, that’s what made me notice) - “Well, he was 59, so that’s unusual,” but then another one here and there, until now, my parents are the only ones left of “their crowd.” - same thing with celebrities, people I grew up watching on TV or listening to on the radio but who were older than me, suddenly they’re nearly all gone.

Then it started happening when older people at the top end of my generation - SIL passed away, just had a cousin pass away a couple of weeks ago, and now it’s, “Hold on, Grim Reaper…he was only nine years older than me, you’re cutting it too close now!”
Craig is the oldest left on his side of the family. An aunt is the oldest on my side, she's not doing well, then a cousin a few months older than me.
I have an Aunt who is not blood related (my late uncle's wife on my mom's side) who is still living but other than that, all previous generations of my family are gone. I am the youngest of 6 kids and thus far my siblings are still alive and kicking, but my oldest brother is nearly 80 and has had two bypass surgeries over the past 30 years. I hope he lives to be 100 but who knows.

My husband has a lot of older relatives still living, though his father and 1 of his uncles (and all grandparents and great-aunts/great-uncles) are gone. His mom just turned 80 and his stepfather just turned 79.
My HS graduating class of 1979 had 560 students. Half of them, I barely knew, or didn't know at all. Of the ones that I knew on a personal level, about a dozen have passed, that I know of. A few of them were close friends.

As far as family, my sister and all of my close cousins are still alive . My sister and I are the oldest of the close cousins.

We've currently (8.30 pm local time) got the most humongous thunderstorm, right above our house. It's tiddling down with rain, the thunder sounds like something out of WWII and the lightning just doesn't stop.
Haven't seen a storm like this in years!
I love a good thunderstorm. Here, it dumped down tons of rain today, but just in two main sessions, and lots of thunder and lightning for the early round.
I love a good thunderstorm. Here, it dumped down tons of rain today, but just in two main sessions, and lots of thunder and lightning for the early round.

I'd love a good rainstorm, with or without thunder and lightning. The ground is so dry, I am having to water the steel post that holds my driveway gate. The heavy clay soil has shrunk, and the gate was dragging on the concrete driveway. I'm adding water to make the clay soil swell up. It's working, but I have to add a few gallons every day.

For many Americans, like me, the loss in the round of 16 of the Women's World Cup by team USA was heartbreaking. But not to everyone....


Thanks to some clouds today, it only got up to 99F/37C at my house. But, that's not going to last...


For many Americans, like me, the loss in the round of 16 of the Women's World Cup by team USA was heartbreaking. But not to everyone....
This bloke has definitely got a screw loose. Soccer (and I use its correct name) is a sport, not a political scenario or a nationalistic exercise. You win some, you lose some. Blaming the USA's best player (probably ever) for losing... that's just pathetic, brainless, shameful, disgusting, and only worthy of a two-bit, second rate politician.
Oh! did I say something right there??
This bloke has definitely got a screw loose. Soccer (and I use its correct name) is a sport, not a political scenario or a nationalistic exercise. You win some, you lose some. Blaming the USA's best player (probably ever) for losing... that's just pathetic, brainless, shameful, disgusting, and only worthy of a two-bit, second rate politician.
Oh! did I say something right there??

In contrast...



I’m back on the DL. Horsey was quite naughty with me on Wednesday, and I ate dirt. Unfortunately, I also broke a bone in my right hand.

I have a plaster splint on it now, and will be getting a proper fibreglass cast when I see the plastic surgeon on Monday for my follow up (apparently plastic surgeons do all the hand stuff).

I will not be cooking much - if at all - until this heals. I have successfully made myself coffee though!

Silver lining to the whole thing: I’m a lefty! At least it’s not my dominant hand.

I’m back on the DL. Horsey was quite naughty with me on Wednesday, and I ate dirt. Unfortunately, I also broke a bone in my right hand.

I have a plaster splint on it now, and will be getting a proper fibreglass cast when I see the plastic surgeon on Monday for my follow up (apparently plastic surgeons do all the hand stuff).

I will not be cooking much - if at all - until this heals. I have successfully made myself coffee though!

Silver lining to the whole thing: I’m a lefty! At least it’s not my dominant hand.

You are so kind. If my horse threw me on the ground, he's be headed for the glue factory. But, I'd never have a horse, so I'm not going to be tossed from one. :laugh:

I broke my left hand skiing back in my 30s. It actually healed pretty quickly. I hope yours does, too.

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