That’s really nice. I put up a temporary plastic one…18 years ago, and it’s still up!I installed this new letter box.
That’s really nice. I put up a temporary plastic one…18 years ago, and it’s still up!I installed this new letter box.
That’s really nice. I put up a temporary plastic one…18 years ago, and it’s still up!
Apocalypse now never ever intrigued me enough. Rest I've seen .I love Rainman, but One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, Apocalypse Now, and Forrest Gump are also great movies.
We had a tin one for 20 odd years. It was virtually rusted through. We got that "new" one given.
Banning gun sales to young American adults under 21 is unconstitutional, judge rules
So they won't sell alcohol to people in the US who are under 21 but will let them buy guns.
I haven’t, but I also haven’t seen “E. T.,” and only one “Raiders of the Lost Ark” movie (the one with Sean Connery), nor have I seen “The Wizard of Oz,” a single episode of “Friends,” and didn’t see my first “Seinfeld” until it was cancelled and went into syndication. My wife can’t believe I haven’t seen “Blade Runner” or “Die Hard,” either.
It’s only recently that I watched “Jaws” and “Alien” (or is it “Aliens,” idk)…and both were underwhelming. Then again, I saw “Star Wars” when it came out and I was 11yo, and thought it was the stupidest thing I’d ever seen.![]()
I’m a Star Trek (original series) freak! My favorite TV series of all time.Craig has never seen any of the Star Wars movies, and has no desire to, but watches Star Trek TV shows, he really likes Enterprise with Scott Bakula, and movies, he prefers Pine to Shatner, but will watch both. I just don't get why he likes one series, but refuses to even watch the other.![]()
I think it’s because I never saw it during those crucial childhood years - banned in our house for, you know, promoting satanism.I can't believe you have never watched The Wizard of Oz.
We did the same with our kids. But we have seen them tipsy once or twice. Not out of control drunk, but an occasional overindulgence. They are all late 20s and early 30s now and have good, productive lives so no worries there.Once DD got to 15 or 16, we started allowing her to have small amounts of wine or mixed drinks IF she wanted to try them. She did sometimes, sometimes she didn't. Alcohol was never denied to her in our home. Craig and I decided we'd rather she drink at home if she was going to drink than have her sneak around and get into trouble. We've never seen her drunk and she rarely drinks. I believe that is because alcohol was never forbidden so it wasn't a teen rebellion issue.
Everybody knows, or should know, that telling a teen they can't have or do something is nearly a guarantee that they will do or get that thing. I just don't understand why some people just don't get that.
I’m a Star Trek (original series) freak! My favorite TV series of all time.
I can tolerate Next Generation and Deep Space 9, hated the one with Capt Janeway (I can’t even remember the name of that…should have been called Star Turd), and I’ve never seen the one with Bakula, as the franchise over-saturating the market at that point.
Everyone says the Picard series on Paramount is the best Star Trek ever, but I don’t subscribe to that, and I doubt if I’d agree anyway.
I think it’s because I never saw it during those crucial childhood years - banned in our house for, you know, promoting satanism.![]()
Everybody knows, or should know, that telling a teen they can't have or do something is nearly a guarantee that they will do or get that thing. I just don't understand why some people just don't get that.
Everyone says the Picard series on Paramount is the best Star Trek ever, but I don’t subscribe to that, and I doubt if I’d agree anyway.
I think it’s because I never saw it during those crucial childhood years - banned in our house for, you know, promoting satanism.![]()
I think it’s because I never saw it during those crucial childhood years - banned in our house for, you know, promoting satanism.![]()
Wow! I’m jealous!His home-office chair is one of the original Captain Kirk chairs from the first TV series set.
That’s awesome! Just no red shirts, please.He has other props from the TV series set, and several Starfleet uniforms
Cool! Sounds like a great guy!and goes to the Annual Trek-fest thing in Las Vegas every year.
Never mind. I take it all back!I think I mentioned this before, but he has a full-size replica of the robot from Lost In Space.
Not on your life!Did you ever take the short drive down to Kentucky to see the Ark?