The General Chat Thread (2024)

Yeah, luckily it wasn’t hooked up directly to the hot water tank so it was only unpleasant, not painful.

In any case, I did some laundry today and it seems to be fixed now. I do love the new machine - it spins really fast so laundry needs so much less time in the dryer/on the line. It also has a fancy auto-dispenser thingy for detergent, although I doubt we’ll use it long-term. The machine came with a 6 month supply of detergent, but it’s got a much stronger fragrance than I’m used to and I think I prefer something unscented.
With some brands you can buy refillable cartridges so you can use your own detergent for auto-dispense.
I did that for a while but some manufacturers also do different scents including neutral for the allergy prone and I really like the smell of one of them so now I just buy that.
The auto dispense is one of my favourite things about my washing machine. No mess, just turn the dial and your off!

I also use the dishwasher auto-dispense cartridges but they are very overpriced so every now n then I have an internal hissy fit and buy tabs instead.
Fast forward a week or so when I've remembered how much I like the auto-dispense and buy the cartridges again anyway 🙄 😆
It was cold enough this morning (42F/6C) that MrsT turned on the space heater!
We went out for a walk last evening. I wore a hoodie, but it was so cold I felt like I made a mistake and should have worn a jacket! I had trouble getting my feet warm after I got into bed as well.

It won’t last long though - it’s supposed to go up to 27C later this week.
We went out for a walk last evening. I wore a hoodie, but it was so cold I felt like I made a mistake and should have worn a jacket! I had trouble getting my feet warm after I got into bed as well.

It won’t last long though - it’s supposed to go up to 27C later this week.
Same here.
So much has been going on and I don’t have it in me to do a proper update (and I don’t think you’d want to hear it!) but I thought I’d share this bit as you all might understand more than most -
I went back to Spain to get the house sorted for the coming year and the landlord has removed the crappy barely functioning fridge freezer and put an enormous, impressive Bosch fridge freezer in its place.

Wow what a nice landlord. Replacing the boiler, scrubbing and repainting the place til it shines, buying a new fridge freezer and putting an enormous television/monitor on the desk upstairs. This is a dream landlord sent from the gods.

Except the fridge is far, far too big for the kitchen so they removed the kitchen cupboards and even the kitchen door to make way for the new fridge.

This means the already tiny kitchen now has only one normal sized wall cupboard for everything, absolutely every ingredient, every bit of kitchenware has to fit in one cupboard 😱
I couldn’t find the pots, pans, sieve, colander, stick blender etc until someone was looking for the tv remote and there they are in a cabinet drawer.. in the living room under the television. The rest was in bags under the stairs.

It just about worked as a kitchen before and now it doesn’t work at all.
It was done from the nicest motives, but done by people who clearly don’t cook at all 😞

As this week has worn on and I’m unable to cook as I normally would (due to having 25cm of workspace now mostly covered in groceries) I’ve discovered how miserable not being able to cook makes me. It’s pretty miserable.

It’s sad but I realised today I have to start to look at getting a new place, one I’m sorely responsible for the decision making in.
How someone has two children but doesn’t understand about cooking is beyond me.
Heyho onward n upward.
So much has been going on and I don’t have it in me to do a proper update (and I don’t think you’d want to hear it!) but I thought I’d share this bit as you all might understand more than most -
I went back to Spain to get the house sorted for the coming year and the landlord has removed the crappy barely functioning fridge freezer and put an enormous, impressive Bosch fridge freezer in its place.

Wow what a nice landlord. Replacing the boiler, scrubbing and repainting the place til it shines, buying a new fridge freezer and putting an enormous television/monitor on the desk upstairs. This is a dream landlord sent from the gods.

Except the fridge is far, far too big for the kitchen so they removed the kitchen cupboards and even the kitchen door to make way for the new fridge.

This means the already tiny kitchen now has only one normal sized wall cupboard for everything, absolutely every ingredient, every bit of kitchenware has to fit in one cupboard 😱
I couldn’t find the pots, pans, sieve, colander, stick blender etc until someone was looking for the tv remote and there they are in a cabinet drawer.. in the living room under the television. The rest was in bags under the stairs.

It just about worked as a kitchen before and now it doesn’t work at all.
It was done from the nicest motives, but done by people who clearly don’t cook at all 😞

As this week has worn on and I’m unable to cook as I normally would (due to having 25cm of workspace now mostly covered in groceries) I’ve discovered how miserable not being able to cook makes me. It’s pretty miserable.

It’s sad but I realised today I have to start to look at getting a new place, one I’m sorely responsible for the decision making in.
How someone has two children but doesn’t understand about cooking is beyond me.
Heyho onward n upward.
Is there any space for stand alone shelves or does the darned fridge take up the whole kitchen?!!!

Also wondering if he has other rental properties and if you brought it up to him, maybe he would move it to a larger rental property and move something smaller but functional in its place. I feel as if he was trying to make you happy and has no idea, but if he knew maybe he would take measures to keep you coming back.
It was done from the nicest motives, but done by people who clearly don’t cook at all
Perhaps it was meant for the British Tourist that fills the fridge with beer and then wanders down the High St half-naked. Yep, I've been reading the gutter press again.
What a shame! A genuinely positive move by the landlord, but for all the wrong reasons.
Take it a a positive sign. You need a new place with a decent kitchen!:love:
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