The General Chat Thread (2024)

Whoever wrote these instructions needs a lesson in subtly.


I mean, are those my only 2 options?
Brutal production of chickens!!
Yeah, but for an 18 egg incubator that's a little harsh! And usually you actually raise the chick to 10-11 weeks old before eating it, so there won't be anything in a 35-50g chick in the way of eating unless for a small snake.
The weather has gone from 35c,30c,19c, to 16c and downpour of rain for days.
I actually enjoy the shift. Heat was becoming exhausting. This is managable.

Has been a wild time full of errands, but I will need to swap my clothes from sleeveless to turtlenecks etc.
The weather has gone from 35c,30c,19c, to 16c and downpour of rain for days.
I actually enjoy the shift. Heat was becoming exhausting. This is managable.

Has been a wild time full of errands, but I will need to swap my clothes from sleeveless to turtlenecks etc.
We always know it's been hot when we start thinking of 28°C or even 32°C as being cooler! :laugh:
Is there any space for stand alone shelves or does the darned fridge take up the whole kitchen?!!!
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Also wondering if he has other rental properties and if you brought it up to him, maybe he would move it to a larger rental property and move something smaller but functional in its place. I feel as if he was trying to make you happy and has no idea, but if he knew maybe he would take measures to keep you coming back.
Good ideas but unfortunately there's no room for any shelves and it is his only rental property. I've been to the supermarket and got a wheeled plastic box. Hopefully it'll be big enough and slide in and out from the under stair cupboard easily 🤞
Perhaps it was meant for the British Tourist that fills the fridge with beer and then wanders down the High St half-naked. Yep, I've been reading the gutter press again.
What a shame! A genuinely positive move by the landlord, but for all the wrong reasons.
Take it a a positive sign. You need a new place with a decent kitchen!:love:
Thank-you that means a lot.

It's such a shame, he frequently tells me how lucky they are to have people like us looking after the house and all these things he does really are because he wants us to stay on.
It works, we were only going to rent for one maybe two years at most before buying and yet this is our fifth year because he's so nice.
I'm absolutely dreading telling him we're off.

There are no Brits here letting the side down thank god 😆
It's a Spanish seaside place for the posh folk of Madrid who go to the coast in the summer to escape the heat inland.
That's probably why they don't understand, they're too posh to cook, they eat out every day! Looking at the glasses he's left here it's more likely a giant white wine fridge, I've never seen so many corkscrews in one drawer 😂

I reckon we'll be going to Gibraltar where our investment would protected by UK based laws and I can retire there because there's no 90 day rule for Brits.

It's scary but not as scary as not being able to cook properly so needs must.
I feel I'm being catapulted into my retirement plan a bit sooner than I'd like.

Realising safe assets to make it happen frightens me. I'm very conservative when it comes to keeping retirement money safe and this feels dangerous! 🤣
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It works, we were only going to rent for one maybe two years at most before buying and yet this is our fifth year because he's so nice.
I'm absolutely dreading telling him we're off.
Just a daft thought. Is there any chance he might sell the house to you? Then you could remodel the kitchen (ie, take 5 mts2 off the surrounding rooms to make a decent cooking space) ?
Just a bit of a sad chat:

Last night DH's older sister called from Hawaii.
A dear and old friend of all of ours (who lives back in Hawaii) was scammed out of $20,000 USD 🤬
Long story short - a received a phone call in regards to her bank account and she unwittingly gave them far too much information - bada bing bada bang - they raided her checking account and drained it dry. 🤬💩
She's an elder on a fixed income and has nothing but heartache this past year ... I just wish there was something we could do for her...
Just a daft thought. Is there any chance he might sell the house to you? Then you could remodel the kitchen (ie, take 5 mts2 off the surrounding rooms to make a decent cooking space) ?
Buying a place is a conversation Mr SSOAP and I have on a loop endlessly but the laws in Spain on squatters mean your utterly powerless to remove anyone who's been in there more than 24 hrs (and to prove that it's over 24hours they tend to just place a few dirty plates about the place).

Holiday homes of foreigners are the most targeted because they are empty often.

The govt, the local councils and the police are on the side of the Spanish squatters because "Why do you have two homes when this person has none?"
I've heard one council actually keeps a list of these homes as a solution to homelessness.

There are professional gangs that make a living out of changing your locks and duping renters with fake contracts.

You can arrive and find your squatter utterly shocked that the contract they signed and the rent they've been paying is a racket and then the thieves will tell them they're perfectly within their rights to stay.

You can then spend up to 20 years trying to evict them (it averages 7years) and when you do out of spite they'll break back in and it starts all over again.

I could tell you many many horror stories of people simply having to give up and let their property go. It's a story you'll see often in the expat newspapers 😞

You have to live here full time if you want to know your house is safe and the 90 day rule means that can't happen.

So you can see why I'm not keen to spend 300k on a little two bed I could easily lose.

The landlord would not sell this place, he adores Salobreña (as do we) and his family all have their own holiday houses next to the beach so they all meet here and spend the summer socialising together. He has this one lined up for his children when they grow up.

Anyway a really good thing- after JAS_OH1 suggestion of shelving for storage it suddenly dawned on me there's a small shower room directly opposite the kitchen (literally two steps) and it never gets used because who wants to shower downstairs right next to the front door when all your clothes and ablutions have to be completed upstairs anyway?

So there we have it cookingbites has saved me and enormous amount of grief and I can see it working well as a solution so thankyou!! 😘
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