Just a daft thought. Is there any chance he might sell the house to you? Then you could remodel the kitchen (ie, take 5 mts2 off the surrounding rooms to make a decent cooking space) ?
Buying a place is a conversation Mr SSOAP and I have on a loop endlessly but the laws in Spain on squatters mean your utterly powerless to remove anyone who's been in there more than 24 hrs (and to prove that it's over 24hours they tend to just place a few dirty plates about the place).
Holiday homes of foreigners are the most targeted because they are empty often.
The govt, the local councils and the police are on the side of the Spanish squatters because "Why do you have two homes when this person has none?"
I've heard one council actually keeps a list of these homes as a solution to homelessness.
There are professional gangs that make a living out of changing your locks and duping renters with fake contracts.
You can arrive and find your squatter utterly shocked that the contract they signed and the rent they've been paying is a racket and then the thieves will tell them they're perfectly within their rights to stay.
You can then spend up to 20 years trying to evict them (it averages 7years) and when you do out of spite they'll break back in and it starts all over again.
I could tell you many many horror stories of people simply having to give up and let their property go. It's a story you'll see often in the expat newspapers
You have to live here full time if you want to know your house is safe and the 90 day rule means that can't happen.
So you can see why I'm not keen to spend 300k on a little two bed I could easily lose.
The landlord would not sell this place, he adores Salobreña (as do we) and his family all have their own holiday houses next to the beach so they all meet here and spend the summer socialising together. He has this one lined up for his children when they grow up.
Anyway a really good thing- after
JAS_OH1 suggestion of shelving for storage it suddenly dawned on me there's a small shower room directly opposite the kitchen (literally two steps) and it never gets used because who wants to shower downstairs right next to the front door when all your clothes and ablutions have to be completed upstairs anyway?
So there we have it cookingbites has saved me and enormous amount of grief and I can see it working well as a solution so thankyou!!