The General Chat Thread (2024)?

One of my brothers said the same thing, but he phrased it as, “Well, at least you look younger, I guess that’s something.”

I’ve mentioned before that we’re always giving each other nicknames, and my newest one is now THC, which means
”The Hairless Cat”
I forgot to say handsome.
MrsT’s reaction, upon returning from her week away was…not so accepting. :laugh:
I feel the same way when my DH doesn't shave for a few weeks. Every winter he tries to grow a beard during December or January. He says to keep his face warm but I'm not buying it, I think he just gets tired of shaving. After about a month he emerges clean shaven again to a warm reception.
I feel the same way when my DH doesn't shave for a few weeks. Every winter he tries to grow a beard during December or January. He says to keep his face warm but I'm not buying it, I think he just gets tired of shaving. After about a month he emerges clean shaven again to a warm reception.
I can’t even remember exactly what she said, but a side effect of her stroke is that she can be unintentionally tactless on occasion, and it was something like:

“Does your face feel different since you shaved?”
“Yeah, my jaw feels smaller.”
“Well, I like it.”
“I’ll probably grow it back in the winter.”
“No, I meant your beard, I like your beard. It covers all this up.” (Waves hand over entire face)

I can’t even remember exactly what she said, but a side effect of her stroke is that she can be unintentionally tactless on occasion, and it was something like:

“Does your face feel different since you shaved?”
“Yeah, my jaw feels smaller.”
“Well, I like it.”
“I’ll probably grow it back in the winter.”
“No, I meant your beard, I like your beard. It covers all this up.” (Waves hand over entire face)

A lot of people don't like change, I think that might be the real reason. My DH is like that. If i get a new haircut and style or if i rearrange the furniture or something he's resistant at first. He gets that way with new (to him) foods, too.
Yeah, I think it's just what you get used to. On the very rare occasions Craig has shaved his mustache off, he just looks weird. I think he thinks so too because the mustache-less look never lasts more than a week or 2.

I don't like beards for the most part, especially the bushy, unkempt looking ones, but Tasty pulls it off either way, though, honestly, the beard does age him. Maybe Mrs. Tasty thinks he looks too young for her now! :D
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