Forum GOD!
My dad is buried at Barrancas National Cemetery. He was a Colonel in the AF.Born and raised (except for a short stint in Maryland, which I was too young to remember). My oldest brother, RIP, was stationed in Pensacola for a few years and also at Jax NAS for awhile. He was a Naval Aviator. Yup, a bit different, there are no Everglades in the panhandle. I'm probably more like folks in north Florida than SE (redneck type) I used to teach hunter safety education for the state.
I was actually born at Andrews AFB, so not born and raised, but after the Vietnam war my father retired near Hurlburt Field (about 25 miles from Pensacola).
There are alligators in the panhandle. They have swamps, yes, there are no everglades, but there are cricks (creeks for non-Southerners and out of the USA) and marshy swamps.
Do you like turtle? My cousin used to make turtle soup. It was okay. It might be that he wasn't a very good cook and other people can make it taste good, unsure.
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