Today’s pics

Mini vocabulary game I created yesterday.
For Italian.
Daughter said No initially, but her eyes were big and smiling, like in What game?

Just simple and quick pair matching food related paper squares. The native translation is on the back.

More than one possible match.
Fun and instructive.

Honey can pair with bread and with tea, and with apple...

I originally typed barn but deleted it in case it was someone’s abode I was insulting it by calling it a barn 😂
I’ve never seen a painted barn around here, not even once!

The second pic is similar to barns here but the silo’s here are shorter and wider.
No decoration, they’d even consider the spending of time and money on white paint a terrible waste 😆
Barn styles vary greatly across the US. My favorite type is the Standard a Pennsylvania Barn:



That’s a fairly basic one; some are quite ornate.

Painted barns, at least wooden ones, are the norm, just to protect from the elements. Of course, humans always trying to turn a dollar, that led to using barns for advertising, the most famous of which are/were the Mail Pouch barns:


Library of Congress

As to the cost of maintenance, an old saying about American farmers is that they’ll let the house fall into disrepair, while their barn will be rock solid - because the house doesn’t earn money, but the barn does.

With the decline of the family farms, traditional American barns are in some jeopardy, but there are efforts to save them, and quite a few do get converted in houses (as well as old one-room schoolhouses).

Traditionally, while there are many color combinations for barns, is red (leading to many paint companies naming their decorative red shades as some form of “barn red”) with a green roof. Anecdotally, it was because red was the cheapest paint color, due to the plentifulness of iron filings to tint it, and I don’t know about the green.

I’m doing my part:


I’ve even got my hex signs up!

Oh yeah, we have round barns, too:



Traditionally when a person passes, this kind of candle is lit. We call it ' lantern'. Usually at the graveyard. But as my boyfriend's Dad passed only yesterday, he was not buried yet.

Along with prayers, I hope it lit his way to Heaven. May it be light around his soul.
Lord is eternally taking care of him now.
Was having such a nice time I didn’t want to stop and totally desiccated myself in the hot wind on the bike 😆
Stopped to take a pic or two at Chew Valley Lake for you guys.
It’s a big lake at 1200 acres. It’s man made, the Queen opened it in 1956, built to take advantage of the water coming off the Mendips. It provides most of the water for Bristol and the surrounding area.




The other side of the lake is ‘Salt and Malt’ one of the best fish n chip shops around.
It’s usually covered in swans but today it was the ducklings turn 🥰
Went out for a bike ride yesterday, and found this sign by a playground made entirely of plastic play equipment:

I laughed so much at this - I grew up in the 80s. Don’t talk to me about hot play equipment until you’ve gone down a metal slide in 35 degree weather wearing shorts!

Today’s kids have no idea how good they have it!
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