Travel Plans For 2024

SandwichShortOfAPicnic yeah, a bit more tricky as we go along here.
Dear SIL is legally blind and her husband is not very mobile - back issues - neither drives anymore.
Where as the kids have their own commitment to young children ... so ...
Picked up a Hyundai Kona for our rental car drive to North Carolina:


We rented this because it’s on our short list of possible new car purchases next year.

So far, can’t say that I love it or hate it. I kind of like that smooth display, though. MrsT says the seats are comfy.

I’ve had to go in and shut off most of the automatic driver assist features, like “Beep when there’s a car near you!” and “Fight like hell to wrest control from you when you creep over the middle line for a half-second!”
Picked up a Hyundai Kona for our rental car drive to North Carolina:

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We rented this because it’s on our short list of possible new car purchases next year.

So far, can’t say that I love it or hate it. I kind of like that smooth display, though. MrsT says the seats are comfy.

I’ve had to go in and shut off most of the automatic driver assist features, like “Beep when there’s a car near you!” and “Fight like hell to wrest control from you when you creep over the middle line for a half-second!”
I’ve tried to avoid bothering you about what you’re doing cos I’ve obviously missed the info and have been hoping all will be revealed but now I NEED to know. Where are you going? Why? How long? What food are you taking and why? Tell me, tell me, tell me 😂
I’ve tried to avoid bothering you about what you’re doing cos I’ve obviously missed the info and have been hoping all will be revealed but now I NEED to know. Where are you going? Why? How long? What food are you taking and why? Tell me, tell me, tell me 😂

Thanksgiving visit to family...
^^^ What she said. :wink:

Driving 6-1/2 hours to Greensboro, North Carolina (which I’m looking forward to because nearly half of it is all state routes (think A roads) across mountains instead of the stupid interstate (motorway)).

There we will be enjoying (being optimistic) Thanksgiving shenanigans at the house of MrsT’s oldest nephew, his wife, their two children, another nephew, his partner, and their two children, another nephew (they’re all brothers), and MrsT’s next older sister (mother to all the nephews), who is magnificently inappropriate and exceedingly good fun.

Leaving tomorrow, back on Friday.
We know a bunch of folks that rent a car for road trips, we just take our faithful Honda Passport, it holds a bunch of our stuff.
It depends on how far we're going and where we are staying. If we were taking a 6+ hour road trip (each way) for just a few days I definitely wouldn't take a vehicle with 150k-250k miles on it, no matter how reliable it had been in the past. What if the car breaks down in some small town in another state where they have to order the part and it could take a few days? Then I'd be potentially stuck in a less than desirable hotel for a few days (more money and food costs) and would miss the family gathering or event (and if I had a hotel booked without trip insurance and was unable to cancel sooner than 24 hours, I'd be out of pocket for that too). Not worth the risk! For a 3-4 hour road trip I'd be less worried.

But mostly we take lengthy trips for a few weeks or more and fly to our destination, then rent a car when we get there. Recently we took about a month's long trip with multiple destinations and I drove my car for that one, but it just hit only 92k miles and I had just had some maintenance and repairs done so I wasn't worried.
The year before my mom died, I took her on a 2 week vacation to multiple cities in different states (NYC, Cape Cod, Plymouth Rock, Boston, Atlantic City, and the mountains in Pennsylvania) and even to Canada. I flew my mom up and rented a car so we could start out our journey in Niagara Falls, which is only 4 hours away, and no sooner did we get to Buffalo, NY (just before we got to the Canadian border), the car broke down! We called the rental car company and within in an hour, they had brought me a new vehicle and towed the other one off, and we were back on the road again. That was the first time I had ever rented a vehicle for a road trip and that stuck with me for future trips.
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