The only part that was planned was to leave and let the wind blow the thoughts from my mind.
It was eventful, including two breakdowns and rescues by the AA!
Bimbled back n forth zig zagging up the country to my only fixed destination of Edinburgh (Scotland) to meet up with my brother. Had a nice apartment opposite the castle for a couple of days.
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Breakdown number 1. My poor BSA Goldstar. It’s a known fault they did a ‘soft recall’ on. That means they offer you a free oil change and ‘health check’ and hope to correct as many as possible without anyone knowing about the actual fault. I didn't need an oil change so ended up knowing all about it!
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Breakdown no 2. A predictable flat battery fail. That’s on me. I could tell it was on its way out on my first day. Just didn’t expect it to fail two weeks later and only two hours from home.
They got it running, I rode about 100metres round the corner and broke down again!
Of course it was a Sunday so there was no chance of finding a replacement battery. Got ‘towed’ home, a 2 hour ride turned into an 8 1/2 hour day!
On the preceding days I had tea with friends, stayed in some interesting places and ate mostly low grade food!
Here’s the highlight
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Weird seeing sausage n beans cooking in a kettle isn’t it?! I was so cold from the first break down I gobbled it down like a starved person offered manna from heaven!
The only other thing worthy of note to others is Alnwick.
The Poison Garden - over 100 poisonous, narcotic and psychoactive plants in one tiny space.
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Quite a good guided tour (“don’t touch or smell anything here”) involving a satisfying level of correct chemistry and physiology, but I wouldn’t go out of my way to visit again, especially in the winter.
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The “amazing treehouse” “children love”
Really? I don’t love it! To me it looks like something straight out of Amytaville or a brothers Grimm fairytale!
Met some really lovely people on this solo trip. The majority of whom restored your faith in humanity!
Only a thousand miles so I don’t feel like I’m done yet. Will probably do a dap about to Cornwall soon