Trumps history

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House minority leader met with Trump today, in a very public display, to signal that this ain't over yet.

Donald Trump is old, morbidly obese, and lives on a diet of cheeseburgers and fried chicken. I'm thinking the best thing that could happen would be for his excesses to catch up to him, if you know what I mean. The worst thing that could happen is for some nut job to hasten his demise, thus making him a martyr.


Starting right after he started challenging the election results, I started thinking that the chaos won't end as long as he's around. I fully expected that he'd spend the next 4 years holding rallies and continuing to claim that the election was stolen. In reality, he's probably going to take some time off (while his minions keep the crazy energy going).

But, I have a hard time believing that world leaders are sitting idly while they watch the repeat of a train wreck happen in slow motion. I'm talking about allies, not enemies, who realize that the world is a safer place without him. I'm sure the MI-6 can figure something out (as can the CIA).

I don't think Trump as a martyr is more dangerous...I'm not sure who could pick up the mantle of lunacy from him and have people follow as fervently. Ron DeSantis? No. Marjorie Taylor Green? Oh, I really hope not.
Believe it or not, he's still keeping this nonsense going!!! The Retrumplicans have been going to Florida, reporting to him the things that have been going on!!! These jerks are still trying to latch onto conspiracies & baseless claims that the election was stolen!!! Get over it!!!! 😡 😡
It was over on the "What made you smile today" thread.

...I'm not sure who could pick up the mantle of lunacy from him and have people follow as fervently. Ron DeSantis? No. Marjorie Taylor Green? Oh, I really hope not.
Oh, they're lining up, Hawley, Cruz, Rubio, Nunez and I'm sure there are some "closeted" ones as well so to speak.
I thought Trump getting the backing of the GOP was WTF and surprised they let it happen, but now that I've seen them embrace the madness, it's not just a one time thing. I think it is who they are at the core.

When someone shows you who they truly are, believe them the first time. Not a fan of either party, but the GOP is off the damn rails.

Next time though, the US may not be so lucky, and someone with a brain will be the new Trump.

If the last 4 years has taught me anything about America it's that the Democracy we have is very fragile. You see this happen in other countries and think, nahhhhh that can never happen here. Well yes. It can. Apparently pretty easily.
Oh, they're lining up, Hawley, Cruz, Rubio, Nunez and I'm sure there are some "closeted" ones as well so to speak.
I thought Trump getting the backing of the GOP was WTF and surprised they let it happen, but now that I've seen them embrace the madness, it's not just a one time thing. I think it is who they are at the core.
I remember when Trump was first elected, and it was obvious that the GOP were horrified by his behavior: flippant answers to questions, attacking people on twitter, the fact that his press secretary kept getting asked questions about things that Trump did but never briefed them about. I really expected them to have a private conversation about all this, and that he would learn how to do things. But, that never happened (if they tried talking to him, he certainly never listened).

But, it also became clear to the GOP that a lot of people really liked him...people who voted in their districts. So, the GOP collectively decided to just stay quiet about it. And, they realized that banging the drum for Trump might make their constituents like them even more, so some decided to do that. They want to keep their jobs, and pretending to love Trump was a clear way to do it. Mitch McConnell has never pretended to like Trump. But, he also realized more than once that Trump can get him things that he wants (like 3 new chief justices).

I was going to disagree with you about what the GOP seem to be at their core, but I won't. I want to believe in the basic goodness of everyone, so I want to believe that they are decent people who are put in a tough position. But, that's too easy. Enough of them made a decision to publicly support The Big Lie (about the election being stolen) when they surely know that it wasn't. And, enough of them are still willing to not acknowledge Trump's role in the insurrection, too. That says all you need to know about their character.
Calling the defence forces losers really did a lot of damage to him, but that's what he believes.

Oh, when he slammed veterans and POWs (like Republican AZ John McCain), saying something to the effect of, "I like people who don't get captured, mmkay?" And then had no sympathy when McCain had a brain tumor that killed him. That's what turned Arizona against him. He would have had the election locked up if he wasn't such a narcissistic assiehole.
Marjorie Tayor Greene & Kevin McCarthy are two more morons who went down to Florida to brown-nose Trump!! It's jerks like these who just keep on fanning the flames & are looking for crap & baseless lies to latch onto!!! Going around wearing caps & masks that read Stop the Steal!!! They better watch what they say! The gov't is watching them!!! 😡

Marjorie Tayor Greene is a new kind of crazy, and dangerous in her rhetoric. On social media she has suggested multiple times that a solution to Democratic leaders would be execution. With Nancy Pelosi, she suggested a "bullet in the head." She supports Q-anon, has berated the victims of the Parkland High School mass shooting as "paid activists" supporting the anti-gun movement. Oh, and she is already calling for the impeachment of President Biden.

For more background on this nut job, go here Marjorie Taylor Greene - Wikipedia
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Wearing a mask that reads; Stop the Steal & a cap that reads; Trump won! He did not win anything!!! The only thing that he won is a loss to the presidency!! He did not win another four years!! He's a definite sore loser & does not like to lose!! Deal with it. Get over it!!! See yah!!! 😡
Is a staunchly antisemitic. Congresswoman Greene, who has repeatedly made racist comments and repeated numerous conspiracy theories, like Rothschild funded satellite laser that were used to start bush fires. She was given a child education post by the Republicans.
They will elevate these nutters, try to re-write/whitewash history all the while screaming that public schools and universities are liberal indoctrination camps. It's truly Bizzarro world.
Wearing a mask that reads; Stop the Steal & a cap that reads; Trump won! He did not win anything!!! The only thing that he won is a loss to the presidency!! He did not win another four years!! He's a definite sore loser & does not like to lose!! Deal with it. Get over it!!! See yah!!! 😡
That alone should have been enough to get her expelled. You take an oath, you serve the constitution as well as constituents. The constitution SHOULD come first. She (and may GOP'ers) continue to sew doubt in elections and the back bone of so called democracy.

The height of irony regarding the elections, they did ZERO, nadda, zip and MItch McConnell lets bills die on his desk regarding election security and measures to improve it.
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