DBC, I know from past posts that you are not a fan of California government. I can't imagine why you haven't moved to Texas. No income tax. Low cost of living. Very little regulation on anything other than alcohol sales (lots of regs on that). Very difficult to get public assistance. Pro Business -- Anti Union. Anyone you pass on the street could be carrying a gun -- legally. Seems like the perfect home for you.
Why haven't you moved here?
Most our family has.
Wifes pension plan is use it - or lose it.
As soon as she's able to retire we're gone.
Have to leave all we worked for behind.
Calif is like a brothel: "
Those that work the best get screwed the most."
Texas has astronomical property taxes like Cali.
Biden is bragging he'll enact Federal rules that will bring California to everyone everywhere.
It not so much us, we can make it. It's up and combers that have a tougher time with the tax burden. Our adult kids left for greener pastures. No future in Cali. Teslas bailing out and Disney will move most their non theme park business out. One of Calif's biggest employers.
I brought a Union into my small company.
We voted Hillary.
Now in in elections the parties run a Photogenic person, backed by elite Marxist billionaires and are vague on who they really are.
People are voting for the picture.
It's working so you end up with a knee jerk reaction the produces Trump supporters and Trump.
It's going to happen again.
When I was a child my dad was a nuclear containment engineer.
They had a nuclear accident at a plant he worked at. He got disillusioned with nuclear power, lost his mind and left us and his career.
My mom went crazy with the loss, quit her job and we were poor on public assistance. Grinding poor.
I thought we were poor until an aunt sent for us. She lived in Jim Crow South and we saw what poor really was. Poverty with a cruel twist in Black Jim Crow South.
My mom eventually got ahold of her life,, Disney hired her back at minimum wage (always) and we started the long road to back family recovery.
So I'm not against helping the poor and public assistance. I lived that miserable life for quite some time. It makes people crazy. But it was
Vertical. We could work out of it and became self-reliant.
But today it's
Horizontal and feeding on itself. It's getting people elected that sell it as a way of life and that's unsustainable and crazy.