Trumps history

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A Frisco realtor was busted. First, she said she never entered the Capitol -- and the TV stations here showed video capture of her inside the Capitol. Then she said she is proud of what she did, and shouldn't face charges. Today, she's saying she deserves a pardon. She doesn't live in Frisco, just works here selling homes. I'm curious whether this will hurt or help her business.

Biden says he's going to model his programs on Calif for the rest of the US.
Our about to be recalled Governor gave us and it moving forward on:
$1.50 more per gallon of gas.
Dangerous criminals released from prison.
Prisons closed.
No power plants built.
Astronomical electric rates.
Tax the miles you drive and the miles you travel.
Shut down and ban Natural Gas for heating and cooking. Three Calif counties have that in effect already and its spreading.
$1100 per year to re register your truck.
No cash bail for felons.
50 AMP plugs to be retro actively installed in homes to charge mandatory electric cars.
You think you have a high elect bill wait until you start charging a car on 50 AMP at Tier 3 rates.
Wife has in overtime on her paycheck and half was taken in Income tax, the other half just paid half the astronomical property tax on our home. $1400 on that tax bill was for our local schools that our kids can't attend because of violent migrant kids. Same for our local hospital and judicial system. Both those taxes appear on the bill too.

We pay for our groceries and those ahead of us in line groceries are free with their EBT cards.

All the political cancers above haven't afflicted most you yet,, but they will soon enough.
The list is endless.
Margret Thatcher said it best: "Something for nothing to someone leaves another hard working someone with nothing for something."

DBC, I know from past posts that you are not a fan of California government. I can't imagine why you haven't moved to Texas. No income tax. Low cost of living. Very little regulation on anything other than alcohol sales (lots of regs on that). Very difficult to get public assistance. Pro Business -- Anti Union. Anyone you pass on the street could be carrying a gun -- legally. Seems like the perfect home for you.

Why haven't you moved here?

DBC, I know from past posts that you are not a fan of California government. I can't imagine why you haven't moved to Texas. No income tax. Low cost of living. Very little regulation on anything other than alcohol sales (lots of regs on that). Very difficult to get public assistance. Pro Business -- Anti Union. Anyone you pass on the street could be carrying a gun -- legally. Seems like the perfect home for you.

Why haven't you moved here?

Most our family has.
Wifes pension plan is use it - or lose it.
As soon as she's able to retire we're gone.
Have to leave all we worked for behind.
Calif is like a brothel: "Those that work the best get screwed the most."
Texas has astronomical property taxes like Cali.
Biden is bragging he'll enact Federal rules that will bring California to everyone everywhere.

It not so much us, we can make it. It's up and combers that have a tougher time with the tax burden. Our adult kids left for greener pastures. No future in Cali. Teslas bailing out and Disney will move most their non theme park business out. One of Calif's biggest employers.

I brought a Union into my small company.
We voted Hillary.
Now in in elections the parties run a Photogenic person, backed by elite Marxist billionaires and are vague on who they really are.
People are voting for the picture.
It's working so you end up with a knee jerk reaction the produces Trump supporters and Trump.

It's going to happen again.

When I was a child my dad was a nuclear containment engineer.
They had a nuclear accident at a plant he worked at. He got disillusioned with nuclear power, lost his mind and left us and his career.
My mom went crazy with the loss, quit her job and we were poor on public assistance. Grinding poor.

I thought we were poor until an aunt sent for us. She lived in Jim Crow South and we saw what poor really was. Poverty with a cruel twist in Black Jim Crow South.

My mom eventually got ahold of her life,, Disney hired her back at minimum wage (always) and we started the long road to back family recovery.
So I'm not against helping the poor and public assistance. I lived that miserable life for quite some time. It makes people crazy. But it was Vertical. We could work out of it and became self-reliant.
But today it's Horizontal and feeding on itself. It's getting people elected that sell it as a way of life and that's unsustainable and crazy.
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Most our family has.
Wifes pension plan is use it - or lose it.
As soon as she's able to retire we're gone.
Have to leave all we worked for behind.
Calif is like a brothel: "Those that work the best get screwed the most."
Texas has astronomical property taxes like Cali.
Biden is braging he'll enact Federal rules that will bring California to everyone everywhere.

I brought a Union into my small company.
We voted Hillary.
Now in in elections the parties run a Photogenic person, backed by elite Marxist billionaires and are vague on who they really are.
People are voting for the picture.
It's working so you end up with a knee jerk reaction like Trump supporters and Trump.

It's going to happen again.

When I was a child my dad was a nuclear Containment engineer.
They had a nuclear accident at a plant he worked at. He got disillusioned with nuclear power, lost his mind and left us and his career.
My mom went crazy with the loss, quit her job and we were poor on public assistance. Grinding poor.

I thought we were poor until an aunt sent for us. She lived in Jim Crow South and we saw what poor really was. Poverty with a cruel twist in Black Jim Crow South.

My mom eventually got ahold of her life,, Disney hired her back and we started the long road to back family recovery.
So I'm not against helping the poor and public assistance. I lived that miserable life for quite some time. It makes people crazy.
But today it seems to be feeding on itself. It's getting people elected that sell it and is unsustainable.

You certainly have a diverse set of experiences. I was a Reagan Republican, and voted for Obama. In hindsight, I look at Reagan's tax-cut and spend policies (supply-side economics), and came to the conclusion that it really was, as GHW Bush called it, "Voodoo Economics." George "Dubya" Bush repeated the same mistake, and Trump took it to new heights. As a TRUE fiscal conservative, I'd say Bill Clinton was the most fiscally conservative President of the last five decades -- we had a balanced budget.

Trump made what appeared to me to be a concerted effort to take care of the rich, and screw the poor (anyone who wasn't rich).

Unless Congress can find a fair way to cut spending, Taxes are going to have to go up. Liberals want to spend on the poor, Conservatives want to spend on more and more military, whether we need it or not.

Trump is leaving Biden with a real mess to clean up. Any thoughts of balancing the budget is going to have to wait until Covid is tamed, and the economy is growing.

You certainly have a diverse set of experiences. I was a Reagan Republican, and voted for Obama. In hindsight, I look at Reagan's tax-cut and spend policies (supply-side economics), and came to the conclusion that it really was, as GHW Bush called it, "Voodoo Economics." George "Dubya" Bush repeated the same mistake, and Trump took it to new heights. As a TRUE fiscal conservative, I'd say Bill Clinton was the most fiscally conservative President of the last five decades -- we had a balanced budget.

Trump made what appeared to me to be a concerted effort to take care of the rich, and screw the poor (anyone who wasn't rich).

Unless Congress can find a fair way to cut spending, Taxes are going to have to go up. Liberals want to spend on the poor, Conservatives want to spend on more and more military, whether we need it or not.

Trump is leaving Biden with a real mess to clean up. Any thoughts of balancing the budget is going to have to wait until Covid is tamed, and the economy is growing.


It's awesome to hear such a nuanced perspective, but saying Reagan Republican does say a lot. I don't think I've ever heard someone who has previously voted Republican say that about Clinton, but you're absolutely right. I really hate how politics has gotten, where you're either Team Red or Team Blue. In the past, that meant that you needed to change your position on certain things to squeeze it into the party platform. Mitt Romney (who I admire) had to change his position on certain things. I thought that was bad until I saw what Trump did to the Republican party. Trump, of course, had to pretend to be religious, but that was just to get votes. What he did was turn it into the "I'm always right about everything" platform. Reagan Republicans - notably Mitch McConnell - all just went along with it because a number of the things Trump wanted (like the Supreme Court justices) were also what he wanted. But, backing him all the time has proven to be dangerous to our democracy.

They're going to have to cut military spending.
Eisenhower warned us.
George Washington did too about the two party system.

I've always thought the two-party system was flawed because candidates are expected to adhere to the party platform, which really doesn't represent what ANYONE thinks. It's just a weighted average of certain positions.

Now, we have 4 defacto political parties:
  • Moderate Democrats (Joe Biden, Joe Manchin, Gary Peters)
  • Extreme Left Democrats (AOC, Bernie Sanders)
  • Reagan Republicans (McConnell, John Kasich, Ben Sasse)
  • Retrumpicans, as Chris Cuomo calls them (Marjorie Taylor Greene, Josh Hawley, and too many others)
In future elections, extreme elements in both parties will divide the electorate. But, so far, the extreme left hasn't tried to murder any of the moderates, so it's more likely they'll find a way to unite come election day. I really think Trump broke the Republican party.
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DBC, I know from past posts that you are not a fan of California government. I can't imagine why you haven't moved to Texas. No income tax. Low cost of living. Very little regulation on anything other than alcohol sales (lots of regs on that). Very difficult to get public assistance. Pro Business -- Anti Union. Anyone you pass on the street could be carrying a gun -- legally. Seems like the perfect home for you.

Why haven't you moved here?


We have the greens here with too much input.

The one hard core Trump supporter we know Sue used to be what’s now called a progressive.
She finally achieved her dream of opening her hair salon.
Secured a small business loan and she was off and running. It was working out good.

Sue supported Santa Monica liberal politics. This is Jane Fonda’s town with the politically correct roller coaster. Sue supported the government until she got hit with $100.000 of new regulations, taxes and fees.
This plus required plumbing and CCR retrofits expenses.

Her landlord wasn’t going to pay that and she had burned through her meager small biz loan money.
Sue had to fold.

She now rents a chair at a salon near LAX
and is one of those flag waving Trump people on the corner.
Renting that chair at the salon is now illegal.
The one hard core Trump supporter we know Sue used to be what’s now called a progressive.
She finally achieved her dream of opening her hair salon.
Secured a small business loan and she was off and running. It was working out good.

Sue supported Santa Monica liberal politics. This is Jane Fonda’s town with the politically correct roller coaster. Sue supported the government until she got hit with $100.000 of new regulations, taxes and fees.
This plus required plumbing and CCR retrofits expenses.

Her landlord wasn’t going to pay that and she had burned through her meager small biz loan money.
Sue had to fold.

She now rents a chair at a salon near LAX
and is one of those flag waving Trump people on the corner.
Renting that chair at the salon is now illegal.

There is an old saying that I hope I get right.

A conservative is a liberal who's been robbed. A liberal is a conservative who's been falsely arrested.

CD :laugh:
$1.50 more per gallon of gas.
I had to translate that to GBP and litres to work out whether that is reasonable or not It works out at about 19p extra per litre - which seems perfectly reasonable to me and will probably encourage people to buy smaller and/or more fuel-efficient vehicles.

Just to give you some perspective on this....I believe America has some of the lowest fuel prices in the world - certainly I've always been amazed how cheap fuel is whenever we've hired cars in the US. According to Google average petrol prices in California are currently $3.347 per US gallon, which works out at around 65p per litre. In comparison the average UK price for petrol is £1.10 per litre (which is about average for Europe).

Tax the miles you drive and the miles you travel.
Again, that sounds sensible - those people who drive (and therefore pollute) more should pay more.

Shut down and ban Natural Gas for heating and cooking. Three Calif counties have that in effect already and its spreading.
This is something the UK is also working towards - I think its a long way off before we will get rid of it totally though. For now we just have a ban on fossil fuel boilers (gas or oil) in new builds from 2023. Not sure how they'll handle the vast already-installed base, it remains to be seen how easy it will be to convert existing systems. But you have to start somewhere.

Wife has in overtime on her paycheck and half was taken in Income tax, the other half just paid half the astronomical property tax on our home. $1400 on that tax bill was for our local schools that our kids can't attend because of violent migrant kids. Same for our local hospital and judicial system. Both those taxes appear on the bill too.
Income tax is just about the most progressive tax there is and public goods have to be funded somehow. Property tax is also fairly progressive when its based on house value. Our council tax is also pretty high, but its based on the value of our house so that's the choice we made when we a) decided to live in a nice area, and b) bought a house this size.

I watched an interesting video on this topic on the BBC a couple of weeks ago: Why the Swedes love doing something that Americans hate

All the political cancers above haven't afflicted most you yet,, but they will soon enough.
I don't consider most of what you posted as "political cancers".....I see them as a way of funding a socially and environmentally responsible society.

Margret Thatcher said it best: "Something for nothing to someone leaves another hard working someone with nothing for something."
Maggie said and did a lot of things, and like most people she got some things right. But she also go a lot of things very wrong and did untold damage to the country and society. I certainly wouldn't hold her up as a role model!
Trump has been dishing out the pardons, including one to scruffy git Bannon. Is it not time this distasteful practice was discontinued? I know that every president has done it, so I'm not just talking about this lamentable character, but it just seems to fly directly in the face of the whole structure of the legal system. It's the sort of thing that the US would be kicking up hell about if it was happening in Latin America (particularly if the president in question was left-leaning).
Trump has been dishing out the pardons, including one to scruffy git Bannon. Is it not time this distasteful practice was discontinued? I know that every president has done it, so I'm not just talking about this lamentable character, but it just seems to fly directly in the face of the whole structure of the legal system. It's the sort of thing that the US would be kicking up hell about if it was happening in Latin America (particularly if the president in question was left-leaning).

I agree something needs to be done to temper this for future Presidents somehow. Trump had to be talked out of pardoning his kids.

ETA: Trump talked out of pardoning kids and Republican lawmakers
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