And that's why I believe it's not the war the media is talking about. I don’t like conspiracy theories and I don't give them attention, but it seems like Putin either never wanted to win over Ukraine or Russia lost, when they couldn't get to kiew, with their big convoy of tanks and military vehicles.Putin knows attacking any NATO state would cause either a scorched earth or the entire decimation of Russia so he can't risk that unless he completely lost all his marbles in which case I think his buddies will not co operate.
Jeez the war started with young russian soldiers in rusty jeeps, believing to go on a military drill, they did walk around small towns and pointed weapons on ukrainians, talking about what's going on here. That's not a war, right? The leaders wouldn't send their soldiers in other countries, not knowing about anything, if they wouldn't already have a welcoming household somewhere else, safe from their enemies, or they got insane and want to see the atomic apocalypse with their own eyes.
EDIT: If somebody got some tipps, about handling the impact of this war please let me know

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