
Well I got my project packet yesterday and got some work done. Now trying to decide if I'm going to work this afternoon or not. It will depend on the weather partially but also on the customer volume in the stores, as heavy foot traffic will slow down the work process considerably.
Well I successfully talked myself out of going to work today. The stores I have to visit will likely still be busy since it's a Saturday night. Tomorrow would work better since people have to get up and go to work and their kids have to go to school Monday morning so the stores will be less busy Sunday evening. This one project I started doesn't deadline until Wednesday night, so I have plenty of time to get everything done.
I need 2 hands just to open the bonnet, but its a solid piece of machinery
you forgot the need for a set of steps to actually do anything under the bonnet...

Mine has off road tyres and jacked up suspension because the former owner used to tow an off road caravan, so needed to raise the height of the vehicle. I can barely reach the dip stick on mine. Lucky the bonnet is very light and easy to lift because it's one that holds itself up for you. That makes life so much easier.

Can we see a photo of yours?
Too lazy to get up and make pictures.
But I got these

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Well, after a lot of horsing around between car dealerships, money has been put down on a new car, and as I type, financial wizardry is happening to get the funds in place to actually pay for it.

We ended up with the 2025 VW Taos SE (mid-level trim) in Bright Moss Green, which is oddly similar to the green in CookingBites’ title bar…hmmm…

I’ve already dubbed it Swamp Thing, and we should be able to pick it up Thursday or Friday.
Well, after a lot of horsing around between car dealerships, money has been put down on a new car, and as I type, financial wizardry is happening to get the funds in place to actually pay for it.

We ended up with the 2025 VW Taos SE (mid-level trim) in Bright Moss Green, which is oddly similar to the green in CookingBites’ title bar…hmmm…

I’ve already dubbed it Swamp Thing, and we should be able to pick it up Thursday or Friday.
Have you ever had a green car before?

We have had many, and living in UK countryside found life much safer with our lights on 24/7. Might be better in a city.
Lights on during daytime is standard in the Netherlands.
Not so in Zambia. If I turn them on on a grey day, everyone is flashing theirs to let me know I have forgotten to turn mu lights off :)
It is the same with much of Scandinavia but not so with the UK. We found we had so many people not see our green vehicles and pull out in front of us or cut us up etc, that we took to driving with them on all the time. It was much safer. And living up a dirt track in a green vehicle didn't help either. Green vehicle covered in brown mud the same colour as the local fields... no prizes for guessing...

Here we just go along with them always on. The very bright sunshine means shadows are very dark. And if you meet another vehicle on a dirt road, the dust that gets thrown up is really bad and the only way a vehicle following that first vehicle will see you is if you have your lights on.
Then add to the fact that dirt roads often are tree lined as well.... and our vehicle is the same colour as the road... and it's just safer to accept defeat, put the lights on 24/7 and not worry about it. If people flash and wave at me, I know they've seen me, so problem solved!
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