Washing-up woes


Nosh 'n' Splosh
Staff member
15 Jul 2019
Local time
11:37 PM
Ohio, US
[Mod comment: This and a load of other posts moved to form a new topic (TR)]

Look at that mess!

Look at that mess!
When Taylor Swift finishes her show, she exits in a hail of cheers and applause.
When a football/soccer team wins, they exit to thunderous applause.
When a politician finishes his/her speech, there's thunderous applause.
When a Chef finishes service...he/she has to wash up :hyper: :hyper: :D
Ahhh! You'r like my wife. She infuriates me by putting dirty dishes in the sink. I give them a quick rinse and stack them on the counter beside so when it is washing time you don't have to empty it again. And you have the sink free for additional rinsing/washing.
But then I’d have no room for prep for the next thing. :laugh:

It’s almost as if I’m expected to wash everything between dishes (those dishes are from the galette and the daiquiri)…that can’t be right…
But then I’d have no room for prep for the next thing. :laugh:

It’s almost as if I’m expected to wash everything between dishes (those dishes are from the galette and the daiquiri)…that can’t be right…

In my world all that stuff would be straight in the dishwasher and out of sight.
In my world all that stuff would be straight in the dishwasher and out of sight.
I think the dishwasher may have already been 3/4th full at that point, and I’d have to go back and look, but I think some of that stuff wouldn’t go in the dishwasher anyway.

It’s all washed, cleaned, dried, put away, and in a couple of cases, been reused for breakfast. :laugh:
When Taylor Swift finishes her show, she exits in a hail of cheers and applause.
When a football/soccer team wins, they exit to thunderous applause.
When a politician finishes his/her speech, there's thunderous applause.
When a Chef finishes service...he/she has to wash up :hyper: :hyper: :D
Of if the food was bad, duck to avoid having plates of food thrown at him/her?
If I remember correctly…glasses, ponytail, 50’s, and you’ve never seen me and your husband together…you’ve not noticed your husband posting on this forum when you’re not looking, have you? :eek: :wink:
I think I saw a recent photo of her DH and he has a ZZ Top style beard...it was a photo of her DH and her sons and I think she made some sort of reference to apes...
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