Washing-up woes

Trying to hear my thoughts, daughter is asking a zillion questions, but all for a good cause, I need to be patient.

My dishwasher is my honoured friend, I often say to my boyfriend.😃 😅

I was without a dishwasher for long years. Now I treasure it even more.

My bad habit is leaving the clean dishes in the dishwasher, until the next load has collected on the countertops.
Trying to hear my thoughts, daughter is asking a zillion questions, but all for a good cause, I need to be patient.
Hey, having a kid is like being married! :laugh:

My bad habit is leaving the clean dishes in the dishwasher, until the next load has collected on the countertops.
Mine is leaving the hand-washed stuff on the counter to air-dry, instead of drying it myself and putting it away.
Can't see anything in that sink I wouldn't put in dishwasher...
No to the mat, no to anything wooden (so that’s two things there), no to the cream-colored bowl because it has writing on the other side that’ll wear off with the harsh dishwasher detergent, same with the measuring cup…
No to the mat, no to anything wooden (so that’s two things there), no to the cream-colored bowl because it has writing on the other side that’ll wear off with the harsh dishwasher detergent, same with the measuring cup…
If the measuring cups can’t stand up to the dishwasher their time on this earth is done, wooden spoons will be just fine and they’d go in but Ill give you a pass on the cream coloured bowl providing you really really like the writing on it 😂
If the measuring cups can’t stand up to the dishwasher their time on this earth is done, wooden spoons will be just fine and they’d go in but Ill give you a pass on the cream coloured bowl providing you really really like the writing on it 😂
Just trying to guess which line was for the 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup writing that used to be there...lol. I do put mine in the dishwasher though. They weren't expensive.
Just trying to guess which line was for the 1/2 cup and 1/3 cup writing that used to be there...lol. I do put mine in the dishwasher though. They weren't expensive.
I now only buy embossed. Although I do have a couple of printed ones, a Pyrex one that’s printed but has politely stood up to the rigours of the dishwasher for donkeys years 😆
I now only buy embossed. Although I do have a couple of printed ones, a Pyrex one that’s printed but has politely stood up to the rigours of the dishwasher for donkeys years 😆
Yeah, I haven't had the issue that TR mentioned, but I was at my brother's house in Houston, Texas and was cooking them a meal and her measuring cup was like that, LOL!
Yeah, I haven't had the issue that TR mentioned, but I was at my brother's house in Houston, Texas and was cooking them a meal and her measuring cup was like that, LOL!
Ah yes the hold it up to the window and move it about trying to catch the light on the faded numbers, been there done that too many times 😆
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