Washing-up woes

No, that was Ms. Sandwich and her bunch.
Oh LOL. I thought that was who you were responding too. I am trying to catch up with all the posts and I rushed over that too quickly I reckon. Sorry, I see now it was Windigo.

Actually TastyReuben, it probably applies to a lot of people...and it's usually those who don't cook much that leave the biggest messes!
The thing I hate the most about cleaning is putting stuff in the dishwasher. Even if I rinse very well, after 2 days it smells like 13 gophers died. Whenever I open it to put something in there to add to the load, I get hit with that smell. Yuck.
The thing I hate the most about cleaning is putting stuff in the dishwasher. Even if I rinse very well, after 2 days it smells like 13 gophers died. Whenever I open it to put something in there to add to the load, I get hit with that smell. Yuck.
Yep. We run ours every two days at least, just for that reason, even if it’s not full by the second day.
🤖 Must. Moderate. Must. Moderate. Beep. Beep. 🤖
I am getting a pronounced R2D2 vibe here.
The thing I hate the most about cleaning is putting stuff in the dishwasher. Even if I rinse very well, after 2 days it smells like 13 gophers died. Whenever I open it to put something in there to add to the load, I get hit with that smell. Yuck.
I sometimes use a bit of cleaning vinegar in there, that helps. But I also tend to rinse my dishes very well and remove all food particles before loading, even though they say these days it's not necessary. My dishwasher is really more of a sanitizer than anything else. Old habits die hard. Also, I never handwash plastic (it always goes in the top of the dishwasher) because food odors seem to cling to the containers when handwashed.
I am doing some food repurposing today. With my Chinese takeout the other night, I got some steamed brown rice on the side. I am going to add some lime, salt, and cilantro to it to make cilantro rice out of it since it had no seasonings added other than salt. I also have some grilled chicken pieces that I just added adobo, Chipotle peppers, cumin, and garlic powder to. So all of this is repurposed for tonight's meal.

I have some of those pinto beans left that I cooked a few days ago (bacon, bay leaf, onion, garlic). I still have some Monterey jack cheese and Mexican crema in the refrigerator, and I have fresh roma tomatoes (from the garden) plus still have some shallot, jalapeno, lime juice, and cilantro so I am making fresh tomato salsa.

So yeah, we are having copycat Chipotle bowls again!
Honestly TR that sink load doesn’t look bad to me at all, the fact it all fits in the sink means you’ve got it in hand 😆
I’ll send my boys over, I think that’ll give you a fresh perspective on kitchen mess, one where you’re patting yourself on the back only have one sink load to wash 😂
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