What’s going on in your garden (2025)?

I suppose with specialist breeds like yours the price per egg is more expensive than regular eggs?. But they give you enjoyment. Cant put a price on that. My nan kept chooks. I was scared of them lol

I typically don't sell my eggs. we give them away to the food bank, or my OH's workplace. On the very rare occasion we sell, its $5 per dozen which is about as much as people will pay, at least those who are happy with caged eggs. I see the end product as having come from a living animal. I know how much it costs to feed them as house them, keep them healthy and free from parasites etc.

You can just make out the tiny bird feeder directly above the rightmost deer.
I'm trying to reinvent the garden up the top. However, it's the dry season, so that means I'll have to water the space every day, which is a problem because we only get water once a week.
It's a bit quiet in the garden.
And just when I assembled loads of recipes with yardlong beans, my beans decided it is time to stop producing and to stop being...
So I seeded an other area :)
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