I made biscuits and sausage gravy for breakfast/brunch this morning. I had planned to make this previously, but was really dreading making the biscuits simply because I don't like making them for some reason, not even drop biscuits. Luckily for me, we watched an ATK episode the other day when they made the "easiest biscuits ever." And they are. No butter to cut into the flour in the biscuit recipe itself, though you can, of course, brush them with butter and butter them to eat. The trick is to use heavy cream and HEAT it to just above body temp so it thins out and releases the butterfat in the cream before you mix with the dry ingredients. You end up with a biscuit that almost looks like a patted out and cut biscuit, and is very tender and soft. You couldn't make a breakfast sandwich with this biscuit because it would fall apart, but it makes for great eating with sausage gravy or butter/jelly.
The easiest biscuit in the world (to me, anyway) has three ingredients.
Sour cream
7up or Ginger ale
Like yours, it won't hold up for a sandwich but it's great for sausage gravy.
Now I'm pondering sausage gravy. I'm going to gain a thousand pounds hanging out here. ;-)