Forum GOD!
Yes. I raised 4 kids (each 2 years apart in age), and 1 of them was particularly bad about leaving her stuff in the washer, which would throw off the rest of the household since the other kids needed to use the washer too, and there would be bickering and squabbling over that. Yeah and since the clothes would stink from sitting wet in the washer, of course she would have to rewash them, and if no one else needed the washer, she might end up rewashing them 2-3 times before they finally made it in the dryer! Or another kid would throw them in the dryer and of course they stunk horribly from sitting wet for a few days, LOL.Yes, you are right. She does know. Amd improving constantly, by doing it more and more...
And you were right about the sticking stuff.
but it does not run smoothly with our washes/taKing out the washed clothes on time either...sometimes she will go to sleep, indulging in the latest make up trends and influencer explanations of bronzing the cheeks and what not, forgetting about the machine load, until next midday, roughly 12 hours...of wet clothes closed off . So they must be re-washed...and taken out sooner
To be honest, that happens to me too, but I get up earlier and save the laundry earlier on.And less often,I'd dare to say.
And another one overloaded it so much that it was groaning under the strain. Plus her clothes weren't getting clean, so her shirts would stink. I had to go down there one time after she'd started it and the washer had filled up and show her that the top of the clothes were sticking above the water line and not getting soap and water in them, and I explained to her that if they were that close together, the fabrics would rub against each other constantly and wear the clothes out faster. She finally got it.