What are you wearing today (2025)?

Hehe, I'm so not a morning person, I was born a night owl, and still am :highfive:

As a baby I'd be awake and kicking up a fuss by the time my mother went to bed - she eventually realised I wasn't teething or anything, I was perfectly ok, I just wanted to get up and play :hyper:
Odd, isn't it? I won't be seen dead in pyjamas after 8am.
Today was the 3rd day in a row I got up at 5.30am.
My dad would wake up and change immediately. I never, ever, ever saw him in jeans or a T shirt; always a "proper" shirt and trousers.
Pajamas are official "Walmart wear" here. You can even show up on your riding mower!
Odd, isn't it? I won't be seen dead in pyjamas after 8am.
Today was the 3rd day in a row I got up at 5.30am.
My dad would wake up and change immediately. I never, ever, ever saw him in jeans or a T shirt; always a "proper" shirt and trousers.
Well, no one is seeing me, either dead or alive. And I'd never just get up and put clothes on without showering first.
Wake up.
(i don't own pyjamas....)
And for a change I am wearing shorts and a T-shirt today :)
My house has a lot of windows, mainly in the front hall by the kitchen and in the dining room. My dining room has 2 large sliding glass doors and 2 large windows. My front hall has 2 large windows. I have no curtains or blinds up out there. I might get away with sleeping naked but if I need to go to the kitchen to get water or tea, being naked wouldn't be a great choice unless I were an exhibitionist, which I am not, lol.

Pajamas to me means sleeping clothes. It could be a sweatshirt and sweatpants in the winter or a silky neglige in the summer...it's below freezing out tonight so it's sweatshirt and sweatpants.
I love pyjamas.

I rarely sleep in them they are just a signal that the days work is done or maybe that it’s not even going to get started 😉
I wouldn’t dream of wearing pyjamas out of the house and would be embarrassed to answer the door in them as I also had it drummed into me to get up shower, get dressed and get on. Any start to the day less than that is lazy - unless you’re on holiday.

Nowadays I recognise that’s nuts and if I don’t wanna I’m not gonna!
I love pyjamas.

I rarely sleep in them they are just a signal that the days work is done or maybe that it’s not even going to get started 😉
I wouldn’t dream of wearing pyjamas out of the house and would be embarrassed to answer the door in them as I also had it drummed into me to get up shower, get dressed and get on. Any start to the day less than that is lazy - unless you’re on holiday.

Nowadays I recognise that’s nuts and if I don’t wanna I’m not gonna!
Come on! Wear the pj's to Walmart one time! :roflmao:
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