What cooking oil do you use?

We use canola oil for general frying but olive oil for everything else. The canola brand is locally made and doesn't have a distracting taste. We also use peanut oil for some Chinese dishes and sometimes Pad Thai.
I prefer vegetable oil for all my daily cooking but for special dishes I choose olive oil or sesame oil. I use the olive oil for my balsamic vinegar dressing as well. I use sesame oil on my pad thai and other Asian dishes.
I usually use either olive oil or canola oil, both good for you oils. I am going to buy some coconut oil the next time I go to the store though. I need that, as it is supposed to be the healthiest of the oils and actually has a bit of a thermogenic effect. It even sounds delicious. I think I would love it.
We always use olive oil or plain vegetable oil in our house. There are times where we may be making special items and use something like coconut oil. Though, olive oil and vegetable oil is something we can always get our hands on without spending tons of money.
I use extra virgin olive oil as well. The taste feels so pure and healthy. Olive oil is one of the healthiest oils to cook with.
Interestingly enough, I just bought some coconut oil. I have been using canola oil and olive oil recently. Both of them are healthy oils, however, I have heard that most olive oil is not authentic and are simply cheap oils with a bit of olive oil added in. This is similar to honey which is not generally authentic. You have to purchase oils and honeys carefully. My coconut oil is 100 percent US made virgin coconut oil so i hink it should be good.
I found this chart some time ago.

cooking oils.jpg

Generally we use sunflower oil for deep frying and Spanish light olive oil or butter/margarine for shallow frying.
Canola for deep frying. I know have olive oil and avocado oil for other foods.
Oh and bacon grease for some things.
Now I'm in Australia is mostly canola oil or sunflower oil for cooking and some dubious olive oil (cheap and very pale) for recipes that really need olive oil for frying when making them. I've recently picked up some Almond oil when I was making the Christmas cake because I needed a nut oil and that was all my hubby could get,. luckily almonds feature in the cake so the taste isn't an issue.

I don't have the range of decent olive oils I used to have because I don't see my parents often with me living on the other side of the world :whistling: previously I had a fantastic range of olive oils because my parents pretty much live in tenerife and would bring back bottles of the stuff (cold pressed extra virgin, single variety...) as gifts or just because... along with some fantastic balsamic vinegars... all exceptionally cheap... now when they come over, they can bring it with them if the bottles are unopened so I can see a few requests going in... they like to travel light so will have room in their suitcases... it should be worth the loan on our SUV when they visit not to mention picking them up from the airport 50km away don't you think? :laugh:
I'm surprised you are using Canola @SatNavSaysStraightOn as it is from GM crops (at least I think it is). It certainly is in America. In the EU laws prevent growing of GM Rapeseed .
Genetic modification (GMO) and selective breeding are not the same thing.
Read this http://www.canolacouncil.org/oil-and-meal/canola-oil/canola-the-myths-debunked/

Canola is not rapeseed. It looks the same on the outside but it's very different on the inside, where it matters. In the late 1960s, plant scientists used traditional plant breeding methods to get rid of rapeseed's undesirable qualities - erucic acid and glucosinolates. That means canola oil and meal are different from rapeseed oil and meal.

Rapeseed is the one to avoid, not oilseed rape btw which is what canola oil is called in Europe...

The European Union (EU) countries together produce more canola than Canada. Europeans call their canola "oilseed rape" - and call the oil "rape oil" or "rapeseed oil" - but it is canola. They chose not to adopt the new name "canola" when it was developed. So Europeans consume canola oil every day - and have ever since canola was introduced in Europe shortly after being developed in Canada.

The difference is that European farmers are prevented by law from growing genetically modified canola (or any GM crop). Europeans therefore consume canola oil from non-GM plants. Most of the canola oil from Canada can be exported to the EU and the EU has also approved some of the GM canola seed for processing.

Canola oil produced from GM plants is safe and healthy. And canola oil itself does not contain any GM ingredients. The GM modification is made to one canola gene and it is a protein. All proteins are removed from canola oil during processing so canola oil made from GM plants is no different from conventional canola oil

GM crops are most likely banned in Australia as well, though I haven't looked this up. even little things like bone char for cleaning sugar and making it white has been banned here since the 80s. I wish the UK had similar restrictions. few people realise that sugar isn't even vegetarian in the UK.
i say olive oil, you can try it for yourself and after you till us whats your experience :)
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