Kake Lover
Cheese and onion pie, pesto, cheese and tomato tart, spinach and tomatoes.
Peppersteak over rice?
Yep. Wife's recipe. Fantastic!
Could you post a recipe, please? I love peppersteak. My mom made a killer version.
I will post up my recipe for the mini pesto, cheese and tomato tarts later. I have recently invented them to use up the pastry from the cheese and onion pie. They are also equally delicious cold.Pie and tart on the same plate! Why not? It looks lovely.
We're going Asian for dinner. Beef tataki, tenderloin, that has been marinating since last night. Vegetable tempura. A seafood salad, shrimp, conch, and squid, over a bed of grated carrots and seeded sliced cucumbers, with a dressing using kimchi base, honey and a little lime juice.
Soup looks good.Hambone vege soup with fresh bread. I've made this bread twice now and it hasn't risen very well either time. The first time, someting came up and I had to.stick it in fridge so thought it was my fault. Definitely not this time though as I followed directions exactly from start to finish for rising and baking times. It's not the yeast as I let it bloom and it was quite active. Actually, it's not that it doesn't rise, it just falls.
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