What did you cook/eat today (January 2020)?

Cold soup us something I've never been inspired to make, but I like
Tonight is cauliflower cheese - which in this case is large florets of cauliflower roasted in thyme & a little olive oil until slightly charred. Then a bechamel sauce with Gruyere and Parmesan poured over. Salted capers and crumbled fried bacon & chilli sprinkled over the top. Last time I made this it was a vegan version with toasted almonds and seeds in place of bacon and a vegan 'cheese' sauce. I need to write up that recipe! Here is the vegan version I made which looks very similar to tonight's.

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Please post your vegan recipe. I've had a little try with vegan cheese sauce but not much.
Last night was meant to have been hot again, so first thing yesterday morning, I was busy cooking this soup, changing the cooking method for the beetroot to drop the cooking time down from 75 minutes to 15 minutes plus cooling down time.

Instead of the forecast 32°C (almost 12°C cooler than the day before) it was a stunning 12°C instead (a staggering 32°C cooler than 24hrs previously) but that was due to dense smoke haze all day.

Eating a cold soup when it's 12°C out reminded me of why we never are them in the UK.

I served it with hot IKEA veggie balls to warm us up.

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