What did you cook/eat today (June 2017)

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I have a dear friend as I had mentioned to you in Milano. I shall get the name of the Japanese Restaurant that he took us too. It was truly amazing.

I am sure that the reason you may have been sick was, that the fish was not fresh or properly prepared for Sushi.

So sorry to hear that you were not well ..

Yes, sushi I've eaten wasn't definitely fresh. I had a very worried intossication...anyway, first or then I'll try to eat it again..little by little.
Last night was two bean soup with dumplings. It is meant to be mixed bean soup with herby dumplings (suet ones at that) but I didn't have any mixed beans, only kidney and butter beans, so I decided to up the quantity of leeks (fresh from the garden) and add a touch more carrot to compensate. The dumplings well veg suet is expensive anywhere, so I don't use it unless it is a recipe calling for it and it is the first time I have made it. So I use a basic scone recipe and make tiny donuts (flattened balls with the centres pinched) and put them in instead. Let them cook in the sauce and they are excellent.

And I also made @MypinchofItaly's olive oil biscuits but the scales decided to turn themselves off as I started to pour the oil in... so I ended up with 75g more flour needed than the recipe stated and I accidentally overcooked them waiting for them to brown (as per the instructions).... oh well. I guess it gives me a good reason to make them again next week!

On this Saturday we'll have for lunch for the first time, some relatives, one of these is an old aunt of my husband. Well..I don't know they food preference so....I'm on a big crisis!!!! Any suggestions?
I was thinking to start with a risotto but I'm not so sure...
On this Saturday we'll have for lunch for the first time, some relatives, one of these is an old aunt of my husband. Well..I don't know they food preference so....I'm on a big crisis!!!! Any suggestions?
I was thinking to start with a risotto but I'm not so sure...

Very difficult if you don't know anything about what they like! Risotto is something most people like.
On this Saturday we'll have for lunch for the first time, some relatives, one of these is an old aunt of my husband. Well..I don't know they food preference so....I'm on a big crisis!!!! Any suggestions?
I was thinking to start with a risotto but I'm not so sure...

I am planning something for this or next week that, if you have the time, might work for you.

It's Sartu di Riso. http://ricette.giallozafferano.it/Sartu-di-riso.html
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