What did you cook/eat today (March 2017)?

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He means potatoes. Perhaps you realised that. :laugh:
Somehow or other, @Yorky has managed Thai Yorkshire fusion food - although the dish today wasn't really thai.But he does have some great fusion recipes!

No, I was trying to get my head around the idea of seafood from the North East English coast even having a market in South East Asia. In a nation with something of a reputation for its seafood. I think I'm gathering that Yorky has a complex history...
Dinner tonight was stir-fried red cabbage and walnuts (recipe here: https://www.cookingbites.com/threads/stir-fried-red-cabbage-and-walnuts.9255/), apple salad with balsamic vinegar and boiled Alouette potatoes. I actually peeled the potatoes this time because otherwise I think it would have been too red:laugh:

No, I was trying to get my head around the idea of seafood from the North East English coast even having a market in South East Asia. In a nation with something of a reputation for its seafood. I think I'm gathering that Yorky has a complex history...
Indeed. Although it has to be said that seafood from the UK gets shipped all over the world. Its tragic in a way - a lot goes to the Mediterranean.
I decided on stuffed peppers, baked potatoes, baked beans and fried cabbage.
Better known as cleaning out the freezer. The peppers and potatoes are reheating in a slow cooker and the other two will be in the microwave.
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