What did you cook/eat today (May 2017)?

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Dinner this evening: oven cooked potatoes, black pudding, chipolatas, baked beans and double yolk eggs

I bought some large ravioli filled with chilli crab. I made a sauce to go with it of fresh organic tomatoes (reduced down) and added to garlic mayonnaise and chopped asparagus. Good combo!
Dinner tonight was one of my home-made lasagnes. This time the filling was onions, mushrooms, purple sprouting broccoli and wild garlic. There's enough left over for tomorrow :D I also had a freshly made hot non-cross bun for afters.:laugh:
I bought some large ravioli filled with chilli crab. I made a sauce to go with it of fresh organic tomatoes (reduced down) and added to garlic mayonnaise and chopped asparagus. Good combo!

What is chilli crab?
What is chilli crab?
Lol, I just told her.

Since we are about garlic'd out from this week's cooking, she asked me what shpuld be a theme or ingredient for next week. I suggested turmeric... :wink:

But she just said, "What the hell is turmeric?", so that's a no go. :headshake:

Turmeric is an easy thing to use in so many ways. Do you not have it in your store cupboard? The main point of the Spice Challenge is to get us all thinking (me included) about ways to explore the uses of aromatic spices. Its all too easy to just cook with the same old things... I've learned heaps already about new things.
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