What did you cook or eat today (April 2019)?

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Breakfast for dinner, butter poached eggs, breakfast sausage, potato latkes, and English muffins. It was various shades of brown so I didn't take a picture.
and English muffins.

You mean muffins like this?

Dunno. That's what it was called in the shop. Tasted OK.

big c bread s.jpg
Cannellini Bean Burger. From Readers Digest Fast Healthy Food. Served with frisee and a tomato, basil and olive oil salad.

This was tasty, although it didn't work very well. Once the burger was under the grill it softened a lot and flipping it was extremely difficult, it folded up and broke as I tried to flip it. I'm not sure why. Although the recipe called for them to be grilled I would fry them next time and possibly add a beaten egg to the mix.

. Once the burger was under the grill it softened a lot and flipping it was extremely difficult,

Its the standard problem with bean burgers. They tend to be 'soft'. The miracle solution is to add shredded jackfruit to the mix. You can get jackfruit in tins in the UK but I'm not sure about Guernsey. I will post a recipe.
Think I've posted before it's a cauli and gerkins aka pickle relish. It's yellow so turmeric must feature. It's one of my fave sammich side. Thought I had a pic but can't find ATM.


I think you did probably post that before. My memory is so bad! Its the one that is like piccalilli I think.
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