My Mom got Covid, few days after my Dad. Aside from the first 3 days, later she has been/is doing remarkably well.
Lovely 2nd day wholegrain pasta with homemade sauce a la bolognese. No pic, sorry. A good no-yeast homemade bread. Delicious green olives and beans paaste (a touch of chillli powder in it) over the bread. Wonderful chicken breast-bones (and some meat) soup with leek, carrots and onion, and the salty green olives salamure,and soem leftover pasta).
The latest food pictures in my phone are flops, but I'd share anyway. The above is to balance out the flops.
Theyudane method bread(rolls). Overbaked, my bad judgement and cooking with my daughter in a tiny kitchen at the same time.
Vegan, no sugar added ice cream attempt. Baked peaches and plums, coconut milk, dark chocolate crumbs, 2 spoons of gin (supposed to prevent the over-icing).
Those popsicles were too high for my present shelving in the freezer, so I transferred to a normal box. The taste is not bad at all, the texture is a flop, very iced, sherbety like, and I wanted creamy. Oh well, next time, I suppose.
The pillowy two bread rolls were filled with vegan cheese.