I never heard or felt anything break when I fell 7 years ago. I took a huge lump of skin out of my knee (old 50p size) right to the bone. I was more concerned about that and infection to appreciate exactly how many broken ribs I actually had. X-ray said a possible 2, but when things didn't settle (and I didn't believe the x-ray figure) I had a bone scan done. Part way through the scan the technician came through and asked me exactly how many broken ribs did they think I had. I told him I thought it close to 6 or 7 going by how many places hurt. He asked us I would allow him to test how good their new machine was, no extra cost. He confirmed 12 breaks across 11 ribs and said it was probable there were actually 13 breaks in total.
On the bright side, it did confirm why I was in so much pain!
Hope you feel better soon.