What did you cook or eat today (June 2020)?

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Interesting fact. Heinz is an a Mercan brand, out of Pittsburgh, PA -- The legendary Steelers play in Heinz Field stadium. But, they have no significant place in soups here. Campbell's has probably 80-percent of the market. I don't think I've actually seen Heinz soups in the store.

Now, they rule the ketchup market.

I didn't know that. I also naively thought that Campbell's was a Scottish brand! Heinz has by far the largest share of the market here - around four times that of their nearest competitor (New Covent Garden) and around forty times that of Campbell's. They also rule the ketchup market here too.
They also rule the ketchup market here too.

They rule the ketchup market here also.

Particularly with this one..............

I didn't know that. I also naively thought that Campbell's was a Scottish brand!
I think, in the Anthology DVD set, Ringo Starr shares that, when he first came to America, he was distraught to find out that his two favorite British foods, Heinz beans and Kellogg's corn flakes, were from American companies and not British. :)
Okay, yesterday's meals:

Breakfast I had leftovers, and no photo.
open face cheese sandi.jpg

Open face sandwich made in the toaster oven, Farmer's Bread topped with a 4-cheese sliced cheese, topped further with hot capicola deli sliced ham, and then lettuce. I had two of these.


I made a rhubarb recipe that will post on-site shortly. Two bone in-skin on chicken thighs, rhubarb, red bell pepper, lemon, Asian chives.

Jake was born not far from where I was born in Leeds although a few years before me.

Opps, I can't watch it here unless I switch to a foreign IP. What country is that YouTube in. I can switch to an IP address in that country and watch it.

I didn't know that. I also naively thought that Campbell's was a Scottish brand! Heinz has by far the largest share of the market here - around four times that of their nearest competitor (New Covent Garden) and around forty times that of Campbell's. They also rule the ketchup market here too.

But Heinz probably sell even more baked beans than soup in the UK.
Opps, I can't watch it here unless I switch to a foreign IP. What country is that YouTube in. I can switch to an IP address in that country and watch it.


I cannot imagine that anyone outside Yorkshire would wish to listen to it so I guess it must be UK.

The text states "Provided to YouTube by Parlophone UK"
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