What did you cook or eat today (June 2021)?

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The making of...
I’ve made a filling with minced herbs, guanciale and apple, then decided to cook them in a pan rather than the oven


If that were served in my house, I'd say, "Thanks for the fries, enjoy your mussels!" :laugh:
One of my sisters has such a strong aversion to all seafood that she would never allow them in her house. If someone she was eating with at a restaurant ordered a seafood dish, there's a chance she would get up and move to the bar or a different table. I'm still trying to figure out how she and I are related, 😆.

Edited to add that I love to swim, snorkel, scuba, water ski and she can't even doggie paddle.
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A post-workout punishment.

(I thought, crickets are environmentally friendly, high in protein, trendy. They also kinda taste like I imagine an Amazon box would without salt.)

View attachment 65910

And I thought for a moment 'oh dear, and it's expired too! An exemplary punishment indeed!

This is because the expiry date is written 21.08.02, which in Italy is read as 21 August 2002.
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