What did you cook or eat today (June 2024)

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Reading that it sounds like the law is only related to the size of the opihi you can buy and sell.
I guess to protect numbers and support breeding. The population must have been damaged in some way.
Looks like that to me as well.

There are size restrictions on nearly every local fish to us. The restrictions are more extensive now than when we were diving. Fish that weren't regulated at all back then are now. Some fish have too small and too big restrictions. Lobster varieties that weren't regulated now are.
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Lunch was a salad with some fish bites (sea beam and sea brass marinated). Toast.

I did finish it, but did not like it.

The bell pepper tasted like nothing, like plain grass. The fish bites were way too sour for me.

The cucumbers, the tomatoes and the dressing were good.

Looks like that to me as well.

There are size restrictions on nearly every local fish to us. The restrictions are more extensive now than when we were diving. Fish that weren't regulated at all back then are now. Some fish gave too small and too big restrictions. Lobster varieties that weren't regulated now are.

Tis one of the consequences of trawlers armed with echo location tech and jumbo sized nets that dredge the seabed for everything within the width of a football pitch. Very sad.

I can't abide fish Friday in Spain. The supermarket fish counter is about 20 metres (maybe more) long and is groaning under the weight of a significant chunk of the sea's contents and you know at least half of it won't be bought 😞
I thought you were joking cos of the laughy face?! 🤣
I thought you thought that😄😅...well, ignorance is humorous at times🫣😅. At least I hope there were not too many rolling eyes😄😅.

I did however google afterwards, and am now even more informed.

The reason I pointed it out was, for so many times before, I would forget them and they would fall apart...
I thought you thought that😄😅...well, ignorance is humorous at times🫣😅. At least I hope there were not too many rolling eyes😄😅.

I did however google afterwards, and am now even more informed.

The reason I pointed it out was, for so many times before, I would forget them and they would fall apart...
You aren't the first to make that mistake. About 40 years ago, Craig's mother was gifted a bunch of stone crab claws. These are cooked either on the fishing boat or immediately upon docking, then put on crushed ice. Most are consumed cool with mustard or cocktail sauce. Sometimes, they are gently warmed and served with drawn butter. Stone crab claws are NOT cheap. The medium claws now cost close to US $30 a pound at the dock, and go up as they pass through each level of hands.

They've never been cheap though. The first time I had them, about 35 years ago, was at a very high end Continental restaurant in a ritzy area. The host ordered them for everyone. I have no idea how much they cost because they were market price, but the rest of the menu certainly wasn't inexpensive.

Anyway, Craig's mom, who didn't cook much or well, gave them to her mother to deal with. Nona cooked them again, boiled them. Craig still remembers them today. Meat stuck to the shells, had to be dug out, was dry and stringy. They were awful.

Everybody makes mistakes. Learn and move on. And always read what's on the packaging.
Everybody makes mistakes. Learn and move on. And always read what's on the packaging.
Indeed, yes. Thank you for sharing that story.
Let me fetch the other of the two packages.

Hm,well, it says pasteurized. I should have guessed. It says consume within 24h of defrosting. But there is no prep method...expected...as there is no method needed...

And the values...

Plus a thank you note, that we chose a product in line with global sustainability...Lithuanian origin.
And some of imported from the UK?
Probably, the UK is a large exporter of fish. Mind you Spain is too, an even bigger one than the UK I believe.
Not sure how it works but I think certain countries are known and relied on to export certain types of fish.
Spain it's octopus (and probably others I don't remember) and the UK it's mackerel.
I've forgotten a lot of it because I find the trashing of the oceans distressing so I've blanked most of it!
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