What did you cook or eat today (June 2024)

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Yeah, no. I've not seen that around here. Hoochie mama strip joints are generally "stand-alone" businesses around here (I hesitate to use the term "gentlemen's club"...is yours really that posh or do you have any personal knowledge of this?).
First…we’re having meatballs later. I really don’t want to start a new topic on…adult cabarets.

To answer your question, there aren’t that many here (that I know of, anyway), and most are rather seedy. I know of four between here and Cincy.

That one, I’ve not been inside (those days are over for me), but it’s members-only, so it’s reputed to be fairly nice inside.

Of all the places I’ve lived, San Antonio had the most of those, and at all price points - some real dives that were little more than covers for prostitution (hint: if you’re in a strip club and there’s a motel attached…you’re really in a brothel :laugh: ), and some extremely elegant places.

Now back to those meatballs…
Teriyaki Salmon Bento: Salmon, rice, veg, shrimp & veg tempura, California roll, shumai, soup and salad (not pictured) all for $21. Quite a deal in this neck of the woods!
Teriyaki Salmon Bento: Salmon, rice, veg, shrimp & veg tempura, California roll, shumai, soup and salad (not pictured) all for $21. Quite a deal in this neck of the woods!
I could have done with that last night. 6.30pm, nothing done for dinner and I said "NAH! Down to "Beijing"for some sushi"
I can't even remember what I ordered, except that it was sushi. Except it wasn't. Some tempura shrimp wrapped in a crepe and plastered from head to toe with Dinamite salad, Wakami and who knows what else. No rice in sight. What a shame.
And today, some friends called me and invited me over, ostensibly for an interview ( got an Indian Street Food event next Saturday). However, some delicious noodles with shiitake mushrooms, veggies, shrimp... wish I'd taken a picture because it was great. And even better because I didn't have to cook!
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