What did you cook or eat today (March 2022)?

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First of the year, the shop has opened again today ❤
Got out of the spaceship after my ABP, and I was starving -- nothing but liquids on Thursday. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for a serious country breakfast with 3 scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns. Biscuits and gravy on the side.

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Got out of the spaceship after my ABP, and I was starving -- nothing but liquids on Thursday. We stopped at Cracker Barrel for a serious country breakfast with 3 scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and hash browns. Biscuits and gravy on the side.

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I’m due to make some CB hash brown casserole soon - maybe Sunday.
caseydog I was going to ask, who drove you to the alien spaceship?
I took both Mom & DH and had to wait until they were done or they wouldn't do the procedure ... now I see "Medical Taxis" (mostly `cuz I just spent 5 days at our local hospital).

I took an UBER to get to the hospital, but a friend or family member had to pick me up after the procedure, because General Anesthesia was used. My neighbor/friend across the street picked me up.

Cracker Barrel was right across the street from the Hospital. I was REALLY hungry.

🙋‍♀️ uh, uh ... can I get your recipe TR?
I've been wanting to make that dish for awhiles now ...
Sure, I’ll get it for you in the next day or two. I found it online, I just have to find it again, from a former employee.

I ran it by my niece, who worked at CB for years, and she gave it her, “Yup, tha’s purdy much it” vote of approval. :laugh:

Dinner for us two.
Ham Steak, oven roasted fresh Asparagus with oodles of minced Garlic, finished off with grated Parm and Trader Joe's Hatch Chile Mac `n Cheese ... :hungry: one of our favorite meals... easy and quick. All in all, 15 minutes including prep time.
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