What did you cook or eat today (May 2021)?

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Almond Trout (Truit Aux Amandes):

Schmaltz, or rendered chicken fat, is used in many traditional Jewish dishes. It's added to latkes, stirred into chopped liver, and is a key by-product of making gribenes—salty, addictively crispy chicken cracklings. My Auntie Sadie would rub it on her chest when she had a cough. I always have a jar in the fridge.

My impression is that schmaltz is chicken fat rendered with onions. (I grew up in LA and had lots of Jewish friends and that's how I remember it.) Are you saying that chicken fat in general is called schmaltz?
When I cook a chicken on the backyard rotisserie, I always put a disposable drip pan under it, to catch the rendered chicken fat (to keep the grill clean). But, I often put some quartered red potatoes in the drip pan, seasoned with salt, pepper and a few sprigs of fresh rosemary. The potatoes cook in the dripping chicken fat, and are amazing. Not healthy, I'm sure, but amazing in flavor.


Note to self.

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