My mom would feed anybody working anywhere near. There were enough of us that we rarely had to hire anyone to do anything, but if Mom noticed a road crew working on our road, doing repairs or trimming trees, she’d kick into gear and make a giant meal, pack it in a big cardboard box, and have me foot it down to them.I made a fresh tomato sauce with basil and oregano, pasta, topped with parmesan, and a fresh green salad. Cost me about $2 a head. I think that's the least I can do.
I try and do that here whenever possible; like you, it seems the proper thing to do. When we had our kitchen backsplash installed, we got pizza for them, and set up a spot in the garage for them to eat out of the weather, and we had some minor repairs done to the house a few years ago, and I stuck a cooler out there, filled with cold drinks and a big basket of snacks and fruit.
We’ve got guys laying high-speed fiber wire on our road, and I’ve taken them out drinks on occasion. They’ve been out there since last year!