What did you cook or eat today (November 2022)?

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Glazed boneless chicken breast, jasmine rice, sautéed tiny zucchini, and mushrooms.

I just don't get it, with all the fast food options I don't know why people eat there. The food is always overcooked, the buns are super dry and it's never made fresh and it just tastes bad to me. I would much rather eat Wendy's, at least their burgers are juicy. Culver's is ALWAYS made fresh as well. All though, I would hit someone with my car for sack of 10 white castles with everything. 🤤 🤤 🤤 even though everyone within 50 feet of me suffers the consequences for the next 24 hours. It's also worth the bowel obstruction. 🤤 🤤 🤤
I eat there because the only family member who loved me and wasn't abusive took me there as a child. She had cancer, she could not cook for me. She showed her love this way. She was my grandma. It's the memories.

And there's no Wendy's, Culvers etc or anything like that here. The other options are Burger King and KFC . Which I both don't like. Like I said, it's the memories, that's all I have left of her. Food is more than just what is on your plate.
I just don't get it, with all the fast food options I don't know why people eat there. The food is always overcooked, the buns are super dry and it's never made fresh and it just tastes bad to me. I would much rather eat Wendy's, at least their burgers are juicy. Culver's is ALWAYS made fresh as well. All though, I would hit someone with my car for sack of 10 white castles with everything. 🤤 🤤 🤤 even though everyone within 50 feet of me suffers the consequences for the next 24 hours. It's also worth the bowel obstruction. 🤤 🤤 🤤
I’m a fast food fan in general, so I can usually, with a couple of exceptions (talkin’ ‘bout you, Chik-fil-A 😒 ) find something to like just about anywhere.

I generally get the same thing at McD’s - regular cheeseburger, medium fries. I’ll get a Big Mac a couple of times a year. Their cheeseburger, for me, as the right ratio of meat-condiment-cheese-bun, but then again, I prefer more bread than meat in a burger.

Their fries, when done right, are second-to-none, though, and while there are people who don’t agree, that’s generally a universally-accepted fact.

Add to that, that I can go to McD’s, order from a kiosk, pay at the kiosk (phone or card), go sit down and they’ll bring it to me, that puts them firmly over the top for me. Anything where I can reduce/eliminate human interaction for that kind of situation gets a huge thumbs up from me.

Other fast food places…Wendy’s I ate at a couple of times a week for years, and my second-favorite for fries (even if they do keep rolling out “new and improved” versions yearly, it seems - always chasin’ McD’s…), but their burgers are frequently lukewarm, service is slow, and they precook their burgers just like McD’s, because I sit right there and watch them pull them from the cooked drawer while they make them.

BK is fine, Arby’s is fine (though the most expensive), Taco Bell is the cheapest, but consistently the dirtiest. Culver’s…they take so long, they’re really not fast food to me. Their food is good, but their slogan should be “Fast food menu with fine-dining wait times!”

White Castle…oh my. If there’s any place dirtier than Taco Bell, it’s White Castle. Taco Bell had an apathetic crew…White Castle, they’re openly hostile. I’m never seen an angrier group of workers, regardless of which White Castle I visit, and if there’s a burger that’s a lower quality meat than McD’s, it’s theirs. I do like their crinkle-cut fries, though.

That said, every now and then, that’s the taste you want, and that’s where you have to go to get it. That’s pretty much how I feel about all fast food. Each place is unique and when that’s what you want, that’s what you have to have.
Pork loin.

Cooked sous vide then seasoned with salt and crushed black pepper. Blowlamp applied, around one minute each side.

Sliced and served with re-heated aloo gobi.

I always wondered what a blowlamp is... it's a torch... which is what you Brits call a flashlight. :o_o:

I just don't get it, with all the fast food options I don't know why people eat there. The food is always overcooked, the buns are super dry and it's never made fresh and it just tastes bad to me. I would much rather eat Wendy's, at least their burgers are juicy. Culver's is ALWAYS made fresh as well. All though, I would hit someone with my car for sack of 10 white castles with everything. 🤤 🤤 🤤 even though everyone within 50 feet of me suffers the consequences for the next 24 hours. It's also worth the bowel obstruction. 🤤 🤤 🤤

For burgers, I'm all over Whataburgers. But, McDs does have a few good breakfast items, including their coffee.

I’m a fast food fan in general, so I can usually, with a couple of exceptions (talkin’ ‘bout you, Chik-fil-A 😒 ) find something to like just about anywhere.

What, you don't like a small piece of greasy chicken on a bun with three pickles for five bucks? And, waffle fries with NO seasoning? Not to mention, Jesus is not going to be happy with you.

For burgers, I'm all over Whataburgers. But, McDs does have a few good breakfast items, including their coffee.


We don't have "Whataburgers" here. In fact we don't have any of the big franchise burger joints. And the burger joints that we do have tend to use the "sweet" buns (around 6 - 8% sugar). I can order buns from a bakers in town and specify my preferred sugar level but I have to buy 20. I buy buns from out of town delivered but only one time in a fortnight. For those I make my own burger patties, usually pork.

I’m a fast food fan in general, so I can usually, with a couple of exceptions (talkin’ ‘bout you, Chik-fil-A 😒 ) find something to like just about anywhere.

I generally get the same thing at McD’s - regular cheeseburger, medium fries. I’ll get a Big Mac a couple of times a year. Their cheeseburger, for me, as the right ratio of meat-condiment-cheese-bun, but then again, I prefer more bread than meat in a burger.

Their fries, when done right, are second-to-none, though, and while there are people who don’t agree, that’s generally a universally-accepted fact.
Yeah I really like them fries too, their style is my favorite. And I just like how the food tastes, but I do think that has to do with the fond memories.

There's not so much fastfood available here, so I can't really compare. I really don't like BK and KFC tastes OK to me but I hate the treatment of their chickens.
That said, every now and then, that’s the taste you want, and that’s where you have to go to get it. That’s pretty much how I feel about all fast food. Each place is unique and when that’s what you want, that’s what you have to have.
Yeah, no elitism here. Many folks would be surprised as well how many professional chefs survive on fast food.
He's not the only one!
I can't actually say I hate it... I've not been in one since 1988 the year, my little brother was born. I can only assume I'll not like it.

I have been into a McCafe but that's desperation for a toilet break at an equivalent of a motorway services (service center on a highway)... I didn't drink anything and they had nothing I could eat anyway! Perhaps things have improved in the 6 years since we moved here?
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