What did you cook or eat today (November 2022)?

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Satay with lontong ( sticky coconut rice) at the Indonesian market.

We also bought beef bapao, Indonesian croquettes, spicy Balinese dried garlic sausage,rice balls with coconut chicken(lemper), coconut pancakes ( dadar gulung) , and elephant ear cookies ( vanilla and chocolate swirl cookies) called Kuping gadjah. Pics later.
Satay with lontong ( sticky coconut rice) at the Indonesian market.
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We also bought beef bapao, Indonesian croquettes, spicy Balinese dried garlic sausage,rice balls with coconut chicken(lemper), coconut pancakes ( dadar gulung) , and elephant ear cookies ( vanilla and chocolate swirl cookies) called Kuping gadjah. Pics later.
You have an Indonesian market? So jealous
Lunch was a local specialty that doesn’t get much attention, a Cincy steak sandwich:


Preformed seasoned steak patty, similar to a Salisbury steak from the old TV dinner days, on a roll with pizza sauce, cheese onions, and dill pickles.

One of my favorite stories is when MrsT sent a client to Philadelphia on vacation, and she mentioned the cheesesteaks there, and when the guy came back, he complained very strongly about ordering a steak sandwich and expecting his local Cincy version, and getting instead “a chopped up lunchmeat sandwich!” :laugh:
Well, don’t be surprised when your egg gets overcooked! 😬

Doesn´t look too overcooked to me. Just burned on the bottom. Like sunbathing stark naked in the Tropics.:laugh::laugh::laugh:

Crispy egg is a 'thing'! Its not easy to get that slightly charred bottom with a lightly cooked top. The boy done well. :D

The white is usually crispy on the bottom. It's how we like it. The yolk wasn't runny. That's why it was overcooked. Usually he nails it every single time but last night, was a little more crispy than usual hence the overcooked yolk. Also the layer of white over the yolk was cooked. Normally it is never cooked, so I'm guessing he put a lid on to keep them warm whilst something else finished cooking. We had a busy day yesterday and I know we were both very tired.
I requested martinis tonight as a before-dinner cocktail. Husband obliged, and made two nice martinis. He served the drinks and went back out to the kitchen. 45 minutes later he reappeared in the doorway of the TV room, somewhat damp and covered in flour, and announced “I’m drunk, my breadmaking skills suck, and I’m ordering pizza for dinner!”
I requested martinis tonight as a before-dinner cocktail. Husband obliged, and made two nice martinis. He served the drinks and went back out to the kitchen. 45 minutes later he reappeared in the doorway of the TV room, somewhat damp and covered in flour, and announced “I’m drunk, my breadmaking skills suck, and I’m ordering pizza for dinner!”
How’s the foot/ankle stuff coming along?
How’s the foot/ankle stuff coming along?
Less than a week to go before I can start to bear a little weight (according to the internet, this means 25% of my body weight and still using crutches for support). I’ll also be able to take the boot off at night then which I am really looking forward to (it’s so bulky to try and sleep in!). It was 70% healed the last time I saw the orthopedic surgeon which was a little over a week ago.

I’m hopeful that I will be able to walk again by early December, but I am sure it will take a while to regain strength and flexibility (the atrophy in the muscles on the injured leg is really something!)
Freshwater prawns and smoked salmon salad (with green green grass, cucumber, tomato and Marie Rose sauce).

A soupçon of Balsamic vinegar was sprinkled over the grass prior to serving.

Ah, the old Tom Jones salad. I haven't seen one of those in a long time.

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