What made you smile recently (2023)?

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I kinda live by the 10 commandments.

I've broken a few. I curse occasionally with God's name in it and I don't think twice about working or cleaning my house on Sundays. And I kill bugs and the occasional field mouse that gets inside our house. Since I'm agnostic and borderline atheist there's that bit too.

Sorry for veering off-topic.
I can’t remember the comedian, but there was one who used to say that growing up, he thought it was, “Our Father, which art in Heaven, Harold be thy name.” :laugh:
That's like misheard song lyrics. That can be hilarious. I remember when I was young listening to Credence Clearwater Revival and thinking that the line in one of their songs was "There's a bathroom on the right" instead of "bad moon on the rise". :laugh:
There was an answer of a picture of a duck decoy on Jeopardy the other day in a category of something about old style crafting or ducks, I don't remember exactly. NOT A SINGLE one of the contestants had the question.

Several days before that, there was an answer about a missing word in the Lord's Prayer. Father who art in heaven, _________ be thy name, ... I was raised in a Southern Baptist church but stopped going in my mid teens. Craig was raised in a Lutheran church, but stopped going in his pre teens. Both of us knew the answer. NONE of the contestants did.
I was raised methodist. Funny thing was me and 2 bros would go and mum stayed at home. I stopped going when I was about 11?
I hated that white shirt and yellow bow tie. Mum said I looked cute :)


Toilet paper rolls have gotten so big over the last ten years, that I have to be "You Monster" when I start a new roll, because it won't fit on my 20-year-old TP holder.


I worked on a site, probably Lanarkshire in the seventies, where the Office Manager has installed a padlock on the paper holder. Who would want to steal toilet paper, I would have no idea.
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