What made you smile recently (2024)?

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In the US, there are Le Creuset outlet stores. There is one not far from me. I've purchased all of mine from the outlet, and paid way less than retail, and as as much as 50-percent off. The US Le Creuset web site only lists the outlets in the US. I could not find any International list. You may want to do some looking.

When candidate and quintessential "Florida Man" Ron DeSantis ended his bid for the Republican presidential nomination, he posted a quote on X and attributed it to former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

There was just one problem: Churchill never said it. :laugh:


[EDIT] Leave it to late night comedy shows to do the research. The quote came from an old Budweiser beer ad.


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I was at Sun & Ski Sports today buying some sock liners, and there was a boy, about ten-ish, bundled up in winter clothing (like what they sell there), with his mom and grandmother.

The grandmother started to look around, apparently for the kid, and did't see him. He was standing right next to her, on a short podium, next to a Mannequin. They were both posed in a running position. The mom saw what he was doing, and snapped a phone picture. Grandma finally spotted him and laughed. The kid was perfectly still, and I never saw him blink.

I wanted to snap a picture, too, but taking a picture of some stranger's kid, and posting it on an online forum would probably get me questioned by the police, so I am now just telling you about it -- no picture. :laugh:

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In the US, there are Le Creuset outlet stores. There is one not far from me. I've purchased all of mine from the outlet, and paid way less than retail, and as as much as 50-percent off. The US Le Creuset web site only lists the outlets in the US. I could not find any International list. You may want to do some looking.

I think there's one in Portugal, but I would need a car to get there.
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